Auto Warrior Do..Tina from MarsHydro Live Interview.

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well I just got back from the eye Dr and I'm blind!!! he ordered me some glasses and put drops in me eyes and now i cant see anything..
I got a quote on just lenses yesterday... I asked the chick if she was high. I'll keep my scratched up ones. Guess I'm a cheap fu**
I would love to know how you guys thought tonight's interview went. Did you enjoy it ? I bet you did, but did you learn any new stuff ?
Tell eP what you thought of the interview and maybe how we could improve on it. Would you keep it the way it is ?

Maybe we got it just right, or maybe we could do better............over to you. I would love to hear your opinions. Please tag me in your replies as I have only so much time and you lot can gossip Olympic style !!!

cheers my Stoner/Warrior friends.......eP.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii @epenguin !


I think the interview went well considering only so many things can be asked about light and lights. Maybe when there is an interview, you could give out a badge or something to those who ask questions. Nothing crazy. Just maybe something with the vendor's logo and a question mark? It may boost participation and encourage people to dig a little deeper for some answers...

Just a thought!!

4pm 23/9


1.30pm 24/9

Looks like Tina should break the 6,000 views by 6pm today..:coffee:

7pm GMT....little late..


Little tardy with my timing..but I'd say 6,500 Views for Tina from MarsHydro Interview...:bravo:..Well Done everyone...
I would love to know how you guys thought tonight's interview went. Did you enjoy it ? I bet you did, but did you learn any new stuff ?
Tell eP what you thought of the interview and maybe how we could improve on it. Would you keep it the way it is ?

Maybe we got it just right, or maybe we could do better............over to you. I would love to hear your opinions. Please tag me in your replies as I have only so much time and you lot can gossip Olympic style !!!

cheers my Stoner/Warrior friends.......eP.
Hi chum!
The interview was great!
There was plenty of people participating.
6500 views is good stats.
There was no trolling, which had been raised as a possible issue with the interview.
Everyone was well behaved, polite and thanked Tina for her answers.
I can personally tell you, I was in PM with Tina after the interview and she was over the moon with how well it went, one very happy lady! So well done everyone!!
There were as many questions that could have been possibly asked, covering all bases of Mars Hydro's wares, such as but no limited to - Grow Lights, Spectrum of light,side lighting bars, Mars Hydro cup competition, Mars Hydro Tents and much more!
Tina started the interview at 1AM in the morning in China and did about 2 &1/2 hours of questions.
It was about 3:30 AM in China when she finished the interview.. what a trooper!!!
Everything was as it should be, I can't think of any improvements that were needed, it ran like clockwork.
So I can conclude that it was a great success!
WOW, I didn't realise the time difference. What a gal !

So, no need to change the format. Keep on keeping on. I did not expect anything less than total respect for Tina from the Stoners. And she got it. AFN can be rightly proud.

We can sell this.................................eP.
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