Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
This has helped me grow dude. It has been an interesting learning experience and now have an army of very nice buds coming close to cropping
thanks alot. glad to be of help;) . i know iv not been very active on afn lately. all for good reason. but in 4 weeks, il will be starting a new mission. i move house again for the final time. there will be no checks or interuptions from any1 regarding house checks. cause the landlord is a dear friend. so this means i can start my growing mission on afn again. very good times ahead. but today i do have 2 new topping subjects. that i am gna share plus more plants germing. so they will be established by the time i move. i have it all planned out. well il be back shortly with an update. happy growing every1;)
thanks alot. glad to be of help;) . i know iv not been very active on afn lately. all for good reason. but in 4 weeks, il will be starting a new mission. i move house again for the final time. there will be no checks or interuptions from any1 regarding house checks. cause the landlord is a dear friend. so this means i can start my growing mission on afn again. very good times ahead. but today i do have 2 new topping subjects. that i am gna share plus more plants germing. so they will be established by the time i move. i have it all planned out. well il be back shortly with an update. happy growing every1;)
Good luck with the house love fella. What have you got germing atm?
Good luck with the house love fella. What have you got germing atm?
thanks bro. so these are my 2 new girls. first go at dinafem cheese autos, looking solid and strong so far. plants are 14 days old today.
these 2 girls have just been topped. pics to follow;). and i also have germing.1 fastbuds gorilla glue auto, 1 fastbuds girl scout cookie auto, both have a fat tail hanging out in tissue will be potted tmz;) and also soaking in water, 2 seedstockers og candy dawg kush autos. so will be 6 plants in total. happy growing;)
so how to top an auto refresh for every1 interested and still abit unsure how and when to top an auto. 14 to 20 days of life the perfect time to top an auto on the 4th or 5th node. and make sure ur autos are in perfect health no defiencys, as need to be perfect for the best plant growth. so these 2 girls are dinafem, bluecheese autos. topped today at 14 days old. il let the pics do the talking. and all questions welcome.ok plant 1.

and plant 2

and we have 2 topped auto ladies
let grow now for 6 days, alot of growth will happen in this time ul see. happy growing every1;)
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so how to top an auto refresh for every1 interested and still abit unsure how and when to top an auto. 14 to 20 days of life the perfect time to top an auto on the 4th or 5th node. and make sure ur autos are in perfect health no defiencys, as need to be perfect for the best plant growth. so these 2 girls are fastbuds, bluecheese autos. topped today at 14 days old. il let the pics do the talking. and all questions welcome.ok plant 1.
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and plant 2
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and we have 2 topped auto ladies
View attachment 943515 let grow now for 6 days, alot of growth will happen in this time ul see. happy growing every1;)
Ahhh good variety there man, I have some AZtech genetics on the go. One sSummer Berry Kush and the other Gigantuan. Both looking good and healthy. I an oopsy moment with the Kush as I lannocjed about if I had topped it right or not and chopped a little extra off, realised the plants were growing okay but yeah reduced the amount of main colas early on.
@Yeatster not a full journel but im sharing whats happening now. until i move in 4 weeks. were ur grow at mate tag me. happy growing;)
Ahhh good variety there man, I have some AZtech genetics on the go. One sSummer Berry Kush and the other Gigantuan. Both looking good and healthy. I an oopsy moment with the Kush as I lannocjed about if I had topped it right or not and chopped a little extra off, realised the plants were growing okay but yeah reduced the amount of main colas early on.
sounds like some nice beans mate best of luck. happy growing;)

