Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
I don't think you can be that specific to cover all manufacturers AND all strains of weed.
It is more a case of 'If you see the first signs of light being too close (usually canoeing), lift the lights a bit. Once you figure out the lowest you can use the light without damage, lift it another bit to encourage vertical growth'

At ht start just after seedling stage I take it from 24 to around 18” they obviously grow and fill out well when topped or trained by but vertical growth is slow they ad a growth spurt in the 3rd week but don’t get very tall 17” ish down to the smallest 13” but it’s a week behind !

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keep ur lights a good 3ft away from plant canopy. in bloom ul find ur girls get to tall if untrained or untopped. and grow very close to leds with no ill effect;) happy growing
good day growers, here abit of og candy dawg kush auto buds. seedstocker genetics;) an awsome deep heavy hit of goodness
then we have topped dutch passion, frisian dew auto. i let her go for max weight as she is a beauty. with her deep purple buds. always monster genetics from dutch passion what a joy to grow.currently drying in boxes
gota keep the buds rolling, happy growing every1;)
and this my my next lady to come down but not quite yet. she has a few weeks left. here is and also topped. zambeza seeds jack the ripper auto. she is mighty. and her buds are solid and firm and only gna get fatter;)
happy growing every1;)
@autobeast, awesome work man. I'm reading my way through this mammoth thread.
I have a question if you don't mind.
Do you have an opinion on what would benefit from topping more: Indica or Sativa?
I know it can be strain and genetic dependant but I'm just trying to get my head round whether a short and bushy indica or a typical single cola sativa plant would benefit more from topping over the other.


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@Swan IMO just don't top autos that like to be more main cola dominant. my experiences black cram auto, or ryder strains do not like topping. hybrid or sativa 10 week or longer strains do best topped.

These are topped + lst

View attachment 911605
Thanks man, I'll re-read carefully about the strains I'm growing.
So you say to avoid topping any that are generally known to grow just one main cola?

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