Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Nice setup Auto subbin along for the ride:pop:
good day growers hope all is well. so my new setup is proving very good so far. my choice of led lights has been a success so far. viperspectra are giving me some great coverage and penetration to plants. my young babies have no stretch which to me means there very happy. so on the left side of the tent we have 2 dinafem critical jack autos. and on the right hand side we have original sensible seeds, critical diesel autos. all young ones at the moment. oldest is day 10 she is a critical jack auto. well here some picsView attachment 1055439 View attachment 1055440 View attachment 1055441 View attachment 1055442 View attachment 1055443 i have more baby germing also. make the most of the space i have. well thats all for now. happy growing every1;)
Nice set up. I do love a clean tent.
@autobeast Good to see another fan of the viparspectras. I think they have a really good vegging spectrum. I sold mine and immediately regretted it.
hi bro. i bought the vipers cause like the colour they give off. im not a fan as yet. il tell u come harvest lol. if my girls veg strong il be very happy. happy growing every1 ;)
Hey @autobeast, haven't been here on AFN since I harvested my last grow in October of last year. Had to break down my set-up due to a move to a new place at the end of the year. Set everything up in the new place and dropped 1ea Power Africa Fast and White Widow photos from Seedsman on Jan 3rd. Following your thread, I topped, defoliated, and lst'd the hell out of the Africa and only topped and lightly defoliated the Widow. This was all for practice to get what I hope is right, figuring that the longer grow cycle would be enough time to learn and experiment more before going back to autos. So now I am about 3 weeks from harvest and I thought I'd ask for your thoughts on what you'll see in the pictures.

A couple of side notes first: The Africa split at the pbottom shortly going into flower; I wasn't prepared for the true size of the Africa in my 4x4x7 tent; lastly, the Widow had to fight for every bit of light for a while until I got the final lst done on the Africa.

The Africa at 4 weeks

The Widow at 4 weeks

Africa 13 wks 1wk flower


Widow 13 wks 1wk flower


Africa 3 days ago



The Widow 3 days ago


I know that the pics aren't the greatest, and I can always take more, but any comments, opinions, tips and tricks will be welcomed.

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Here's a couple of shots of my topped Pink Grapefruit, which is part of an experiment. In my experience not topping causes my plant to be short and stunted and topping makes them grow normally. Topped at the fourth node and the lower two nodes pruned off so four branches, then when the plant is stronger I pull it way over on it's side so the node is back at ground level and then more roots grow off it. I'm thinking instead of one plant with 12 stems, how about 3 plants with 4 stems each in the same pot. I did the same with a Pineapple Gum but the Pink Grapefruit is more suitable for this technique.


good day growers hope all is well. so my new setup is proving very good so far. my choice of led lights has been a success so far. viperspectra are giving me some great coverage and penetration to plants. my young babies have no stretch which to me means there very happy. so on the left side of the tent we have 2 dinafem critical jack autos. and on the right hand side we have original sensible seeds, critical diesel autos. all young ones at the moment. oldest is day 10 she is a critical jack auto. well here some picsView attachment 1055439 View attachment 1055440 View attachment 1055441 View attachment 1055442 View attachment 1055443 i have more baby germing also. make the most of the space i have. well thats all for now. happy growing every1;)

I got rid of my Viparspectra PAR700W with three dimmable channels and immediately regretted it. Then lo and behold I won their just released in Australia HP750 on eBay for $150 instead of 380. I only got it because it was too cheap to leave. However when I turned it on I was surprised and you might be interested to know that they've changed their spectrum. Although they have not advertised it. As you know they're quite blue but the new HP range, (they do a 500 and a 250) has taken on some advice that I gave them about 8 months ago and they did what I suggested which was to get rid of most of the white so people can fill them in with a cob. The HP750 is exactly the same style as the viparspectra in your shot, with the two switches, however it used the 90 degree lenses like in the PAR models. The 750 has about 60 red diode and 26 blue diodes and 9 white. So this is a big departure for them. Veg is 200W at the wall and Bloom adds another 100W of Red only. I'm just using as a 200W light which includes the fans.
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