Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Question for you more experienced with topping autos.
I have grown photos for a long time now and do pretty much almost everything to the poor girls.
This is my first auto run, and I'm thinking of topping a Grapey Walter and a Chemdogging from Meph.
My issue is that my plants are behind because of the cold weather, I couldn't keep my temps up nor my humidity. Plants are super healthy other than that.
Do I top them anyway or just let them go wild this time with some LST instead and top the next run? What say you hive mind?
Btw temps are good now we are not longer freezing to death in the great white north :smoking:
Question for you more experienced with topping autos.
I have grown photos for a long time now and do pretty much almost everything to the poor girls.
This is my first auto run, and I'm thinking of topping a Grapey Walter and a Chemdogging from Meph.
My issue is that my plants are behind because of the cold weather, I couldn't keep my temps up nor my humidity. Plants are super healthy other than that.
Do I top them anyway or just let them go wild this time with some LST instead and top the next run? What say you hive mind?
Btw temps are good now we are not longer freezing to death in the great white north :smoking:

My first thought was that it depends on the vigour of the roots, but then my second thought was, you've got two plants, and first auto so, top one and not the other. The most valuable information is always what you establish for yourself.

Then I had a third thought but I forgot what it was because I was ripped. Then I had a fourth thought which was that I have not grown an untapped auto yet, and I only now feel ready to that I'm more familiar with a topped plant. So...maybe since you are familiar with untapped you should top both of them.

But then I had a fifth thought that, I have misread your post and then I couldn't work out what I was thinking any more. Hopefully someone will stop by soon and set you straight.
My first thought was that it depends on the vigour of the roots, but then my second thought was, you've got two plants, and first auto so, top one and not the other. The most valuable information is always what you establish for yourself.

Then I had a third thought but I forgot what it was because I was ripped. Then I had a fourth thought which was that I have not grown an untapped auto yet, and I only now feel ready to that I'm more familiar with a topped plant. So...maybe since you are familiar with untapped you should top both of them.

But then I had a fifth thought that, I have misread your post and then I couldn't work out what I was thinking any more. Hopefully someone will stop by soon and set you straight.

:crying: You fried my friend.
I do have 2X Grapey and 2X Chemdogging, I WAS planning on topping one of each just worried they are way too behind now. But hey one never knows if they don't try right? I think I will take your genuine but somewhat confusing advice :pighug:
They are very healthy just slow from I imagine the cold.
:crying: You fried my friend.
I do have 2X Grapey and 2X Chemdogging, I WAS planning on topping one of each just worried they are way too behind now. But hey one never knows if they don't try right? I think I will take your genuine but somewhat confusing advice :pighug:
They are very healthy just slow from I imagine the cold.
Just top one to experiment like I did, even if girls got off to slow start the moment you top it, its going to signal or sorts to other bud sites, seriously, I was concerned, I topped mine for first time and within hours could see the improvement in other areas of the plant



If you are doing multiple plants then fuck it. So long as the one you top isnt budding.


I'm newish grower and had reservations, but hey ho gotta take risks I guess haha

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
Question for you more experienced with topping autos.
I have grown photos for a long time now and do pretty much almost everything to the poor girls.
This is my first auto run, and I'm thinking of topping a Grapey Walter and a Chemdogging from Meph.
My issue is that my plants are behind because of the cold weather, I couldn't keep my temps up nor my humidity. Plants are super healthy other than that.
Do I top them anyway or just let them go wild this time with some LST instead and top the next run? What say you hive mind?
Btw temps are good now we are not longer freezing to death in the great white north :smoking:
I've a thread in the mephisto forum A meph head and his 5x5 their is an avt special and an amnesia orange diesel that were topped and the rest trained. Some really good results and examples from each method
Question for you more experienced with topping autos.
I have grown photos for a long time now and do pretty much almost everything to the poor girls.
This is my first auto run, and I'm thinking of topping a Grapey Walter and a Chemdogging from Meph.
My issue is that my plants are behind because of the cold weather, I couldn't keep my temps up nor my humidity. Plants are super healthy other than that.
Do I top them anyway or just let them go wild this time with some LST instead and top the next run? What say you hive mind?
Btw temps are good now we are not longer freezing to death in the great white north :smoking:
Almost forgot if you truly feel they didn't get the start they should have I myself would probably train them.
Just top one to experiment like I did, even if girls got off to slow start the moment you top it, its going to signal or sorts to other bud sites, seriously, I was concerned, I topped mine for first time and within hours could see the improvement in other areas of the plant



If you are doing multiple plants then fuck it. So long as the one you top isnt budding.


I'm newish grower and had reservations, but hey ho gotta take risks I guess haha

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

My photos love being topped, but then I have all the time in the world to mess around with them. I'm just so new to autos and the very tight time I have to do anything.
I did top one of my Chemdogging, she was pretty vigorous so has the best chance to show me something from it. I may top one Grapey Walter but she needs to pop one more node up to pinch off where I need to.
And yes I learned most of what I did from experimenting, but the photos are very forgiving :smoking:
Thanks for your input and the pics, gals look like they are gonna do very well!

I've a thread in the mephisto forum A meph head and his 5x5 their is an avt special and an amnesia orange diesel that were topped and the rest trained. Some really good results and examples from each method

Almost forgot if you truly feel they didn't get the start they should have I myself would probably train them.

I'll check that thread out. The Chemdogging I didn't top will get trained, as will the Strawberry Nuggets I have no intention of topping and one or both of the Grapey's. Thanks!