Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
General training question, not sure if this is the right place for it.

I am currently headed into final stretch of my first grow. I had great results from LST, topping, supercropping and defoliation on my indica dominant girls. I was able to avoid the Christmas tree shape and inefficient lighting with type of plant shape.

Heading into future grows, are there any differences I can expect when it comes to training a sativa dominant plant that I should be aware of?
General training question, not sure if this is the right place for it.

I am currently headed into final stretch of my first grow. I had great results from LST, topping, supercropping and defoliation on my indica dominant girls. I was able to avoid the Christmas tree shape and inefficient lighting with type of plant shape.

Heading into future grows, are there any differences I can expect when it comes to training a sativa dominant plant that I should be aware of?
Yes, Sativa dominant plants generally will grow much taller with stretch that can triple or more their height. That said you still use the same techniques you just need to be more aggressive with the LST to keep the head space.
Was just wondering in general, how does final plant shape differ by topping at different nodes? Say if you topped it at the third node, will it remain shorter all in all then if you topped it at the fifth one? Or how does that work?

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Yes, Sativa dominant plants generally will grow much taller with stretch that can triple or more their height. That said you still use the same techniques you just need to be more aggressive with the LST to keep the head space.
Gotcha! Thanks @Mañ'O'Green. Sounds like I’ll have to be even more aggressive in the future. I kind of like the mostly flat look.
Was just wondering in general, how does final plant shape differ by topping at different nodes? Say if you topped it at the third node, will it remain shorter all in all then if you topped it at the fifth one? Or how does that work?

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With Autos timing is everything. If you top at 3rd node you get 6 main colas and a little more time to recover. This is good for a really fast auto. Topping at the fourth node will give you 8 main colas and less time to recover. This is the most common time to top an auto. Waiting for the 5th node 10 colas but may take you too close to flower for good recovery in all but the longest growing autos. The shape, height and bushiness will have a lot to do with the genetics.
Gotcha! Thanks @Mañ'O'Green. Sounds like I’ll have to be even more aggressive in the future. I kind of like the mostly flat look.
You get the best overall yield by keeping the canopy flat with even exposure to the lights. I am just too lazy to do that much training.
I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, so excuse me if this is redundant. When you say top at the 3rd/4th node, are you chopping above those nodes or actually chopping the 3rd/4th node? Hope this makes sense lol. @autobeast
Above.This is a picture of topping at the 4th node:

ScreenHunter_146 Dec. 11 22.18.jpg
I’ve been having horrible luck with topping my autos but I KNOW I’m doing something wrong. With Waira’s help I’ve identified a BIG problem that’s been effecting my plants - my well water. Now that I have started using an RO system, my photos seem to be doing much better. So, I’m wanting to start over. Basically, do a complete reset of what I’ve been doing; to see if I can get the kind of results that others are getting. So, I’ve got some questions about some of the changes I’m planning. Hopefully @autobeast or @Mañ'O'Green or one of you auto experts can give me some advice. Here goes...

1. SOIL - what kind of soil do autos (I know I’m generalizing here) like? I mean, do they tolerate a heavily amended organic soil that’s really rich in nutrients and biology. I ended up doing expanded version of the Coots Mix, with the help of Tad Hussey of KIS Organics. It closely mirrors their “water only biochar soil.” It’s not a perfect copy as I don’t have access to their compost or worm castings but it’s 95% the same and follows their proportioning and uses their inputs. I know it’ll be good for photos but I’m curious if it might be too hot OR not rich enough for autos; since the Mix was designed for growing photos.

Here’s my mix that makes 10.5 gallons of soil:

3.75 gallons Lambert Canadian Peat Moss
1.25 gallons of high-end store bought compost and EWC at a 2:1 ratio
2.5 gallons Pumice
3 cups malted barley
0.5 Cups Kelp Meal
0.5 Cups Neem/Karanja Meal (3:1)
0.5 Cups Crustacean Meal
0.5 Cups Alfalfa meal
1 Cup Insect Frass
0.5 Cups Feather Meal
0.5 Cups Fish Bone Meal
1.5 US Teaspoons Yucca Extract (wetting agent for peat moss)
3 Cups Biochar inoculated w/ homemade Lacto Bacillus, Recharge and Mycorhizal fungi.

Mineral additions-
4 Cups Glacial Rock Dust
4 Cups Basalt
4 Cups Gypsum
4 Cups Oyster Shell Flour

Additional inputs-
0.25 Cup Soft Rock Phosphate
0.25 Cup High N Bat Guano
0.25 Cup High P Bat Guano
1 Cup Leonardite
0.5 US Teaspoon Great White Myco
1 US Teaspoon Recharge

Leaving this to cure for 3-4 weeks. While it’s a long list of ingredients it’s very balanced and not particularly “hot” from what I’ve been told.

Question is: How do you think it’ll work for autos? I’m really wanting to get off bottled nutrients if possible and cut it to an absolute minimum.

2. Lighting- my indoor growing has been under a 600 (true) watt LED at 3000k. But I currently have 2 photos that just went to flower under that light on 12/12. I’m working on getting another light with the intention of having a “veg” tent and a “flower” tent. While I’m mulling over my only other light choice is a 5 bulb, 4-foot long T5 fixture with 6500k bulbs in it. Now, I’ve started some autos under that light and then moved them outside after about 3 weeks; but I’ve never left them under it any longer. So, what is the story with autos and light; and would you recommend waiting until I get a new light or wound you go ahead and pop some seeds, veg it under the fluorescents for a few weeks and THEN toss it into the flower tent under 600w on 12/12?
I mean, do Autos have spectrum preferences (if so, what are they?) and/or will they veg under a bright 600w 3000k bulb even though they’re only getting it 12 hours a day? I know I CAN do this but how will they react - will I just get low Bud production or some larfy buds? I’d really appreciate some opinions on what to do here, given my situation as I layed out.

I can get a veg light put together pretty dang quick but HLG is about to release (next few weeks) the Version 2 of the quantum boards I’d like to use. They have about 10% efficacy improvement over the V1 that’s currently available. I’d really like to wait on the new boards but I’d also like to pop a few new beans. As usual, I’m looking to y’all to help me ‘have my bud and smoke it too,’ as it were. Lol!

3. Strains- I know that the genetics of the autos you grow play a big role in success and after reading Man O’ Green’s comments recently about vigorous growers doing better with topping, I wondered if I’m choosing the right genetics. I’m just finishing a Dinafem XXL Cheese Auto and a DP Auto Ultimate that really disappointed me with their small sizes. Again, this is probably a result of the water I was using. But, are these XXL type strains from breeders like Dinafem and Dutch Passion the types of genetics that ought to be perfect for topping?

Sorry for the super long post and I hope it’s ok to include it in this thread but I’m TRYING to implement @autobeast’s methodology and get some of the fantastic results achieved by folks in this thread. I’ve come to believe that the stunted results that I’ve had when I topped my autos before (with autobeast’s guidance) is related to my crappy water but possibly to the various FoxFarm and other soils I’ve tried. So, I’m re-examining the nuances of growing and maximizing autos. If it’s not appropriate for inclusion here, I’ll move it to an independent thread.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this!

