Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
welcome dude and thanks. genetics vary alot.we have all lost many beans im sure. i know i have and old beans do not like to crack open. i guarentee. if u buy dutch passion, sweetseeds, mephisto, seedstockers. u will have no problem germing for sure. and will really enlighten ur auto experience. keep at it. great looking healthy plants. top job. happy growing ;)

I've heard of people gently breaking the seed coat. I have some Swann & Morton, surgical scalpel blades handy and I was thinking that if I just dragged a blade over a seed coat using no pressure just the weight of the scalpel itself, it's sharp enough that it would probably put a slight mark on the seed without breaking the surface. Maybe I just need to improve my technique. Having always grown from clones, sprouting seeds is something I have no experience with.

Over on another forum Old TimingMan germinated 40 year old seeds using this method. He has not been active now for over a year?

“ Old TimingMan

I wish there was a easier way but so far my best luck has been scuffing them in a sandpaper tube, letting them set in a H2O2 bath for an hour while plunking them down every 15 minutes, and then using the GA3 at a rate of 500 PPM in distilled water with temps at the 80 degree mark from soak to sprout.”
I have done a lot of research on this and he was the most successful.
My Wi-Fi germination Station never fails me. I just use water and the heat from my Wi-Fi internet modem. They always sprout for me in just a day or 2 without hydrogen peroxide or having to sand papering the shell or without soaking the seed for 24 hours in a glass of water. Here's a tutorial by me.
@NorthernLights_420 I am talking about 40 year old seeds.
Yeah just buy new seeds. Throw them old strains away I say. Way better genetics bred now days. Thc content just wasn't around 40 years ago like the high thc strains we see today. Thanks to breeding you can buy new seeds that germinate easier and faster and are stronger potency wise. Or don't pay for them like me. I email seed breeders and message them on forums linking my grow journals and diaries to each letter I send out asking to test free seeds. In return I do grow journals or diaries to help promote there products for them in exchange for free seeds. Some will send legit seeds already known to produce, others will send new strains never tested yet, others will send strains they re created by breeding the same two parents for you to test to make sure they're good to sell to customers. I don't buy my seeds ever. Become a tester. Just do your part if they're kind enough to send you free seeds, make a journal or diary and promote there products. They'll send you more free seeds if they like what they see when you send them the grow links to your sites. Not paying for seeds is the shot. I only test autos though. And you can't clone autos so you do the math, seeds cost money for sure and it adds up every time you have to buy them. I've seen growers get sponsored with bad ass growing equipment too. Some companies will give you the cold shoulder and not even reply. Others will reply and let you know they aren't by law able to ship seeds to your country. It's work but free seeds are worth it to me. Copy and paste makes it allot faster to send emails.
I don't think I'd ever waste my time on 40 year old seeds unless I was trying to bring back strains from the dead and past maybe. If they were worth growing. But you can still probably buy most strains like the legendary acupolco gold bred all the way back in the 60s
I don't think I'd ever waste my time on 40 year old seeds unless I was trying to bring back strains from the dead and past maybe. If they were worth growing. But you can still probably buy most strains like the legendary acupolco gold bred all the way back in the 60s
Yeah like Real...... Acapulco Gold, Michoacan and Panama Red. These old strains were tops in their times and I would love to have some in my medicine cabinet. Old TimingMan grew some Maui Wowie from 40 year old seeds. He dropped off the board before the smoke test but the plants were beautiful.
Over on another forum Old TimingMan germinated 40 year old seeds using this method. He has not been active now for over a year?

“ Old TimingMan

I wish there was a easier way but so far my best luck has been scuffing them in a sandpaper tube, letting them set in a H2O2 bath for an hour while plunking them down every 15 minutes, and then using the GA3 at a rate of 500 PPM in distilled water with temps at the 80 degree mark from soak to sprout.”
I have done a lot of research on this and he was the most successful.

I’m with you, brother! I’d freak out with joy to get my hands on some of the old strains. Particularly Panama Red! NRPS was one of my favorite bands and saw them many many times. So, that strain has a particular place in my heart. Even if I could get my hands on some seeds from the nameless strains I smoked and grew in NorCal back in the 80’s - we called it all “kind bud.” Lol.

Hey, what’s that GA3 you mentioned? I’ve had pretty great success adding a squirt of Hydrogen peroxide to a small cup of water and soaking a scuffed seed until it cracks and the tap starts coming out. Then I use the same water to soak a paper towel and set it between 2 plates on a cable box or my warming pad at 78°. Always looking for better methods, though.
Here’s a couple autos, in 5 gallon bags, that I topped at the 4th node on day 20, as AutoBeast suggested to me. Here they are 8 days later, doing great!!!

DP Auto Ultimate

Dinafem XXL Cheese

Thanks for your continued help AutoBeast!!
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