Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
I shake seeds in a pill bottle before dropping in water .doesn't break the seed but may help lossen it inside to start growing
I thought it was just me, been having a hard time with seeds. Before I decided on an autoflower I couldn't get anything to pop out a tail, chucked them in water for a day they didn't do anything, tried to nurse them, tried directly into Rockwool, tried little cotton make up removers, everything just almost opened. Everything I paid for failed, then finally a free seed which was the Auto OG Kush from seedstockers, not the (dinafem one) grew a wobbly tail in the cotton face wipes which I then put into a 1" Rockwool cube, which is the one I'm currently growing and this is how I discovered the joys of autoflower, it was worth it to lose $40 worth of seeds just for this little free auto. I consider myself pretty experienced with photoperiods so that's what I wanted to grow, but the MJ gods had other plans for me apparently and now I see the light. My eyes have been opened.

What I liked about photoperiods is that I never grew from seed, I always cloned because I could get to know the genotype and phenotype so well that I ended up with stupid large colas, like three or four inches in diameter on spindly little main stems that couldn't support the weight, however it created too much work for me as I had to inspect every bud closely all the time due to the ever present danger of bud rot. Now that I'm slowly beginning to understand these autoflowers, they are much more fun to grow.

I had a look at a defoliation thread a while ago but it didn't really register, however I went back and looked at it more closely and used my photoperiod knowledge and experience and I could instantly understand the logic. It was your auto threads that got me interested in the autoflower and made me want to try it, so I have you to thank.

Also regarding your removal from 420, I shut my account down there because my experiences there have been pathetic, it's too sucky and juvenile for my taste. They say in their terms not to use exclamation marks because it attracts minors. WTF! The final straw for me was when I made a post that had a couple of 'fucks' in it and people wagged their fingers at me and then some old fart (who is actually younger than me, lol) called my post 'odious'. You're better off here my friend.

After my defoliation at the end of the day yesterday, I looked this morning and I had to do a double take, it not only did not slow down, it's frikken sped up!

My own experience with photoperiods tells me that it's not the leaves that really power the plant but the roots. This is why I do shallow water instead of deep water culture because I know that if you get the roots that are exposed to the air just right, they will produce super fine hairs on them that look like downy feathers which don't form in water. I haven't quite managed that yet in my current set up but I'm getting there.
Looking great .I'm the same way always have growed photoperiod strains and clone from them but this past year I did something I would never normally do I bought some photos feminized and got them up about a foot tall I cloned off them and to be honest they did great and big yeilders and very poent smoke..

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Here's yesterday's after defoliation and here it is 10 hours later which include 4 hours of darkness. Light is currently 13" from tops which are all fairly level. I must say I am somewhat surprised, I expected a few days to recover but it has not skipped a beat. All the older large lower fan leaves are dark green and healthy, so I'm guessing if that if they stay like that, that the plant is not short of anything they are making.


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Looking great .I'm the same way always have growed photoperiod strains and clone from them but this past year I did something I would never normally do I bought some photos feminized and got them up about a foot tall I cloned off them and to be honest they did great and big yeilders and very poent smoke..

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I'm not sure I fully understand did you mean to say photo and not auto? If photo are you saying that what you normally wouldn't do is grow from seed and that you just grew the photo in order to produce the clones? I'm actually thinking of doing that myself, with a photo white widow that's currently in a pot outside in the sun, I was thinking of taking clones of it in a couple of months.

How I used to do my clones was I'd just take the cutting and stick it straight into clay pellets in a hydro system with a small continuous water jet straight down onto the stem. No cloning dip or any hormones or powders, they always rooted.
yo dude. i did try germ 3 pack berry ryder autos.sent to me as test beans. but non to replace them i tried germing some dutch passion auto blueberry iv had for years. and i got some fat tails in water now into tissue;) iv grown these beans before so i know exactly what to expect. a heavy yield of pure deep purple buds;) View attachment 964846 View attachment 964847happy growing every1;)[/QUOTE
I thought it was just me, been having a hard time with seeds. Before I decided on an autoflower I couldn't get anything to pop out a tail, chucked them in water for a day they didn't do anything, tried to nurse them, tried directly into Rockwool, tried little cotton make up removers, everything just almost opened. Everything I paid for failed, then finally a free seed which was the Auto OG Kush from seedstockers, not the (dinafem one) grew a wobbly tail in the cotton face wipes which I then put into a 1" Rockwool cube, which is the one I'm currently growing and this is how I discovered the joys of autoflower, it was worth it to lose $40 worth of seeds just for this little free auto. I consider myself pretty experienced with photoperiods so that's what I wanted to grow, but the MJ gods had other plans for me apparently and now I see the light. My eyes have been opened.

What I liked about photoperiods is that I never grew from seed, I always cloned because I could get to know the genotype and phenotype so well that I ended up with stupid large colas, like three or four inches in diameter on spindly little main stems that couldn't support the weight, however it created too much work for me as I had to inspect every bud closely all the time due to the ever present danger of bud rot. Now that I'm slowly beginning to understand these autoflowers, they are much more fun to grow.

I had a look at a defoliation thread a while ago but it didn't really register, however I went back and looked at it more closely and used my photoperiod knowledge and experience and I could instantly understand the logic. It was your auto threads that got me interested in the autoflower and made me want to try it, so I have you to thank.

Also regarding your removal from 420, I shut my account down there because my experiences there have been pathetic, it's too sucky and juvenile for my taste. They say in their terms not to use exclamation marks because it attracts minors. WTF! The final straw for me was when I made a post that had a couple of 'fucks' in it and people wagged their fingers at me and then some old fart (who is actually younger than me, lol) called my post 'odious'. You're better off here my friend.

After my defoliation at the end of the day yesterday, I looked this morning and I had to do a double take, it not only did not slow down, it's frikken sped up!

My own experience with photoperiods tells me that it's not the leaves that really power the plant but the roots. This is why I do shallow water instead of deep water culture because I know that if you get the roots that are exposed to the air just right, they will produce super fine hairs on them that look like downy feathers which don't form in water. I haven't quite managed that yet in my current set up but I'm getting there.

EDIT: there's only 10 hours between these these two shots and 4 of those are in the dark.
welcome dude and thanks. genetics vary alot.we have all lost many beans im sure. i know i have and old beans do not like to crack open. i guarentee. if u buy dutch passion, sweetseeds, mephisto, seedstockers. u will have no problem germing for sure. and will really enlighten ur auto experience. keep at it. great looking healthy plants. top job. happy growing ;)
Here's yesterday's after defoliation and here it is 10 hours later which include 4 hours of darkness. Light is currently 13" from tops which are all fairly level. I must say I am somewhat surprised, I expected a few days to recover but it has not skipped a beat. All the older large lower fan leaves are dark green and healthy, so I'm guessing if that if they stay like that, that the plant is not short of anything they are making.
defol dont effect a healthy auto. makes it a better plant. more chance of dominant colas getting the light they deserve. ul see. happy growing ;)

defol dont effect a healthy auto. makes it a better plant. more chance of dominant colas getting the light they deserve. ul see. happy growing ;)

Yeah, I'm getting the hang of it, I'm going to go back and reread all the defoliation threads, at the moment I've got some big fan leaves that are on the bottom not shading anything so the tendency of course is to leave them but I think I remember that they can come off too, which stirs the plant to do more protecting. But I'll go back and check. I know with defoliation the caveat is always a big fat IF the plant is healthy, and for me that means mainly a very healthy root system, which is what I love about being able to inspect the roots, they talk to me.
I've heard of people gently breaking the seed coat. I have some Swann & Morton, surgical scalpel blades handy and I was thinking that if I just dragged a blade over a seed coat using no pressure just the weight of the scalpel itself, it's sharp enough that it would probably put a slight mark on the seed without breaking the surface. Maybe I just need to improve my technique. Having always grown from clones, sprouting seeds is something I have no experience with.
I've heard of people gently breaking the seed coat. I have some Swann & Morton, surgical scalpel blades handy and I was thinking that if I just dragged a blade over a seed coat using no pressure just the weight of the scalpel itself, it's sharp enough that it would probably put a slight mark on the seed without breaking the surface. Maybe I just need to improve my technique. Having always grown from clones, sprouting seeds is something I have no experience with.

Try using sandpaper, roll around a pen or pencil tape and put seeds in and shake. It will scratch the seeds lightly and this will help with the germination.
I've growed from clone and seed this past year I growed some #GG#4 and BB#3 and breed them for seeds I need to grow out a few and pick out the ones I want to breed back into each other..I clone from seeds I bought after they got so tall I cloned them and all was female and they did great..It's hard to keep a clone all year long if you don't have time to feed it and so on that's why I decided to make feminized seeds..I tried one seed I breed a month or so ago to see if it would be female and it was..

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