New Grower Auto Pink Grapefruit ~ On going issues Help Needed!!!

Oct 8, 2014
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Hey all i have been dealing with a problem for a while now that i have tried to fix so far without assistance but i am at a loss as to my next move, all help is appreciated....

2x Short Stuff Seeds Auto Pink Grapefruit
3 Gallon Pots
Canna Terra Professional Soil Mix
25% Perlite
Biobizz Grow, Bloom, Plus
Tap Water ~ Sits for 48 to 72 hours Original PH 7.1 ~ 7.2
1x300w Dual Spectrum CFL with reflector 2x45w Red Spectrum Spiral CFL's
24/0 Light Cycle
Water PH 6.5 ~ 6.8
Run Off PH 6.3

The veg period went as expected around 3 Weeks with one dose of Biobizz Grow after the second week.

A week or so into flowering i noticed the two very bottom leaves started to turn yellow from the tip back over, it eventually started to go crispy brown. Probably my first mistake but i thought this might be normal as these were what i believe are refered to as the first true leaves and no fan leaves were affected as yet so i watered as normal with ph of 6.7.

A day later i noticed the lowest fan leaves turning yellow (panic sets in). After hours of research i found the symptoms akin to a Nitrogen Def, this to me didn't make sense as the plat is flowering and my understanding is the plant dosen't require as much nitrogen when in the flowering stage. I read through these threads and something people kept saying was that plant looks hungry, so i thought aha mabey the plat is just letting me know it wants nutes!

By the time it was ready to be watered again the problem was affecting 3 levels of leaves on both plants and the worst affected were presenting brown dying patches from the tip and edges back over. I prepared a litre of water mixed with a couple of drops of Biobizz Bloom and and a couple of Plus. One plant didn't react to the nutes and the other displayed a little nute burn on the tips of the whole plant.

After a couple of days i noticed although the symptoms had slowed they hadn't stopped. I hit the internet again with the newer symptoms and come back with the idea it is either a mag or cal def, either caused by PH lockout or just a general need of the plant. So i thought it best to flush both girls and check the PH. Using water PH'ed to 6.7 i flushed them, the initial runoff was 6.2 after flush the run off was same as water going in.

Now instead of fixing the problem all together i got different symptoms, the browning had stoped/slowed but the leaves were still turn pale green to yellow. Whilst checking the leaves over i discovered what looked like brown spots on the underside of the leaf, these spots are present where ever the leaf is going pale/yellow on the top.

After a while with symptoms getting worse and the flush not working i thought it best to try some magne cal+ and epsom salts. I prepared as directed tbs epsom salt per gallon and magne cal+ at 1/2m per litre and fed each plant two litres each.

Within hours the plants displayed nute burn on every leaf tip, even some of the sugar leaf tips are severly burnt. Now at this point the symptoms didnt spread further up the plant and i was having issue telling if the problem leaves were getting worse so after doing some research i decided to remove the most affected leaves thinking that if it is fixed it wont move up but if it isn't fixed it would be easier to tell allowing me to search for the answer again.

After a day i noticed a few leaf tips had died and gone crispy just the very tip mind and when inspecting the leaves i notied what looks like little brown scarring on the veins of the leaves. I have kept a close eye on it and the veins are turning a browny color all over the plant some leaves worse affected than others but its top to bottom of the plant. There is very little yellowing of leaves now but you can see patches.

SO finally here lies my questions....

What is my next move?
Do you think the plant is hugry and needs more bloom nutes?
Should i go back to my original idea of PH in the hope i cocked up some where and Flush them again?

Sorry for the essay people again any help or guidence is appreciated.


Further pics below....
Cujo, you crazy dog you.
Those plants look fine.
I would not worry a bit about the leaves you see with a bit of damage.
I grew out those APG, I got 6oz off one and it was not a pretty girl.
I gotta go with GB on this one...

They look just fine...home stretch. Ride it out normal-style. :)

And Welcome! :)
Thank you for the quick replies guys :D not the answer i was expecting but boy does that make me happy right now i have been freaking for ages lol. I should have posted a long while ago but after alot of research thought i could solve it myself.
Thank you for the quick replies guys :D not the answer i was expecting but boy does that make me happy right now i have been freaking for ages lol. I should have posted a long while ago but after alot of research thought i could solve it myself.

And AFN gains another brother :cool: good honest friendly advice is all they do around here bro.. welcome to the AFN experience.. smoke on
Thanks, really hope i can get these babies to the end. These girls make me panic like an over bearing parent lol
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Welcome, Cujo.

Just a thought for future grows: Do you know if your tap water has chlorine or chloramine in it? (Chlorine you can aerate out over 24 hours, chloramine cannot be aerated out and is harmful/deadly to plants.)