Well if ya got some pics to share bro post some in the Photo period man and share in a general photo sharing thread and/or make one there and post some past fun ya had man..all good..but with autos the kid gloves have to come out is really all you need to know imo.. take any full strengthed dose of chem (assuming your chem?organics are a lil different as ya might know too..?) are now 50% or standard..50% of a full dose is now full dose for autos generally speaking.5-10% of a mellow starter food should be used at that strength (5-15% max depending on whatcha use) for start up and increased there on like you would push a photo just with lesser feeds is all.more drainage by roughly 10-20%(again depending on style n things) from either perlite or whatever you prefer and thats really that needs to be taken into account with some light reading for a seasoned photo grower,piece of cake bro.piece of piece,,cake eh its easy man lol hit me up if ya need anything.especially if your organic mainly lol.but i can help some to getcha going. find someone who's style works for what your trying to achieve and copy them as much as you can ofcourse some styles are more expensive,but ive sure ya know that lol!!
and like Joe says man the benefit to get some fantastic strains that are well worked these days and every 60-90 days depending you'll have a rather nice selection of meds for indoor selection that do exceedingly well inddors.temps are lower too by roughly 5-10 degrees.never much above 80F..78 is a better ceiling imo. they can handle light leaf pruning as far as blade removal and LST to a lighter degree than photos since theyre at times thought of as a stress phenomenon by some so treat them with them kid glves but can be worked easily enough.read the plant all the way up and through its paces which are very very fast if you used to photos.unless you do excelled photo rooms cut smaller via the clone route that can be thought of as a simila auto speed grow.:Sharing One: