New Grower Auto Lemon from Seedsman by i33i

update no4.
ETA 17 days (hm.... closer to 30 at my opinion)

Light cycle 18/6
Humidity 50-55 %
Temp 21-26 c

First i have to appologise for not updating diary quite a while but i was hit by few trucks full of shit so to say, in life and in this grow....

Some time ago we had serious floods that fucked up tap water Ph offcourse that resulted in serius nut lockdown, fan leaves turned yellow and stems went purple, i couldnt do much at that time cause of my growing medium (coco coir), so i sprinkled them with vitamins and stuff (didnt want to drawn them), it was painful to watch them struggle but it seems they made it, plants are relatively short but i belive they will produce some nice smoke, they smell very nice and fresh (main reason i didnt pull them out), as i found later this strain is a bit harder to grow, they need much care etc...

I can tell for sure that this strain will only grow as a sideplant (due to my vendor often giving them as freebies) they are just too demanding for my taste


thats all for now, have fun and all that