SSSC Auto Creeper Communal thread

I've checked the run off, ph going in was 6.4 and out was 6.0 and ec 1.7 in and out 2.1 :shrug: don't know if that's good or bad :crying:what do u reckon?
I think I'll have to do a little research on the subject :chimp:
Day 73 anyway :toke:
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if she was mine id just push on till the end but make sure your feeding to run off @Waira or @arty zan may give you better advice and shes a stonker of a girl my growbro and she will be finished by the time you started flushing or anything you should be way proud of her
if she was mine id just push on till the end but make sure your feeding to run off @Waira or @arty zan may give you better advice and shes a stonker of a girl my growbro and she will be finished by the time you started flushing or anything you should be way proud of her
Thanks for the advice me old cocker, as always it's much appreciated :d5: I do water to run off, but possibly not the 20% as I've seen recommended :doh: as I may of mentioned before, I'm quite tight :crying:
if she was mine id just push on till the end but make sure your feeding to run off @Waira or @arty zan may give you better advice and shes a stonker of a girl my growbro and she will be finished by the time you started flushing or anything you should be way proud of her
@The Mugwamp
General rule to reduce drying out of a fabric pot is to use a fabric pot that is twice the size of a solid pot you would use!
You have a big girl in a not so big fabric pot, this will dry out quickly leaving salts in your coco.
The way to get around this is to fertigate twice as often allowing unused salts to flush through!
Right now you plant looks great! Are you finding it dries out fairly quickly?
I would think you are fetigating daily and when you get to your pot. it is probably fairly dry?
I have never measured run off in coco but I know it is something people do.
I always water to 30% run off (Drain To Waste) and if the pot starts drying out too frequently, that is when I start watering twice a day.
Watering more than once a day is a chore but if she is hungry and gobbling everything up in double time, then water twice a day you must!
Next grow try a fabric pot twice the size, you should find you won't get so much salt build up and less watering.
Water to 30% run off, I'm thinking you don't do that because you floor looks too clean, the saucer you are in won't alloow for 30% run off (just an observation)! Allowing for excess run off, will flush through unused food/salts!
All said and done your plant looks awesome!
Thanks for the advice me old cocker, as always it's much appreciated :d5: I do water to run off, but possibly not the 20% as I've seen recommended :doh: as I may of mentioned before, I'm quite tight :crying:
seriously brother your a dark horse you i can see your plants going from strength to strength from grow to grow I'm so happy for you as your smashing it and better plants better yields that's the goal here isn't it :pass::vibe::headbang:
Thanks for the advice me old cocker, as always it's much appreciated :d5: I do water to run off, but possibly not the 20% as I've seen recommended :doh: as I may of mentioned before, I'm quite tight :crying:

Me too, I've found old telephone and ethernet cables are great for hanging stuff in the tent! :rofl:
@The Mugwamp
General rule to reduce drying out of a fabric pot is to use a fabric pot that is twice the size of a solid pot you would use!
You have a big girl in a not so big fabric pot, this will dry out quickly leaving salts in your coco.
The way to get around this is to fertigate twice as often allowing unused salts to flush through!
Right now you plant looks great! Are you finding it dries out fairly quickly?
I would think you are fetigating daily and when you get to your pot. it is probably fairly dry?
I have never measured run off in coco but I know it is something people do.
I always water to 30% run off (Drain To Waste) and if the pot starts drying out too frequently, that is when I start watering twice a day.
Watering more than once a day is a chore but if she is hungry and gobbling everything up in double time, then water twice a day you must!
Next grow try a fabric pot twice the size, you should find you won't get so much salt build up and less watering.
Water to 30% run off, I'm thinking you don't do that because you floor looks too clean, the saucer you are in won't alloow for 30% run off (just an observation)! Allowing for excess run off, will flush through unused food/salts!
All said and done your plant looks awesome!
Hi mate and thankyou kindly, most informative :thumbsup: I usually take her out an put in bath and water to run/dribble off :crying: every couple of days, it's a bit of a pain but it saves any mess, and yes she's usually dried out by the next day, so I give her another few litres or so just to keep her going till next day, then water to run off again.
But from now on though, I will start feeding to 30% ish run off and see how it goes :thumbsup: but as for using a bigger pot, wouldn't that also just encourage bigger plants to grow? :pass:
seriously brother your a dark horse you i can see your plants going from strength to strength from grow to grow I'm so happy for you as your smashing it and better plants better yields that's the goal here isn't it :pass::vibe::headbang:
Thanks mate it's nice of you to say :pighug: but really its good people like you and a few others here on AFN who deserve most of the credit, as I wouldn't be where I am now without you all. It's almost 2 years since I started this amazing hobby, in an old wardrobe, 36w cfls and with tin foil on walls :crying: oh the good old days
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I've checked the run off, ph going in was 6.4 and out was 6.0 and ec 1.7 in and out 2.1 :shrug: don't know if that's good or bad :crying:what do u reckon?
Also that was a feed I made up yesterday, I just added some more cal/mag and checked ph. I have just checked the ec of my tap water too, that is .69 :yoinks: from what I've read that is way to high to start with. I made up a fresh feed today and ec was 1.59.
:yeahthat: RT-Z has you well sorted mate, I defer to him in all things coco! I think 2.1 is a bit rich, betting some minor lockout of micro's is happening (looks like B or Mn, justa touch, hard to call yet fortunately!).... maybe reduce the EC going in a couple few tenths after doing a solid flush.... I think RT told me he likes to keep his run-off EC no more than 0.3 more than inputs?
She's a gorgeous specimen Mugs, definitely a more chunky-bud type pheno',... I wish the SSSC folks would pop in here and enlighten us all about what they see and have to say!

@St. Tom :drool: she ready! ... Spank her, thank her and send us all samples forthwith - :crying:.... she's going to dry beautifully, full of glassy trich's! More smell info please, find a good nose would yeh?!

@Duggy :spels: another Looker mate, and robust in build! I wonder what she'll do in stretch,... I'm betting you have the same pheno' as Mugwamp here!

>>> update <<<<

My #2 gal is stretching some finally, so we'll see how she stacks nodes now! ....3 weeks+


#1 first germe'd wonky is shaping up very well, if petite.... We'll see if a "risky" transplant may be needed, but for now, it's fine,.... Plus she's now officially an outside plant, zero room in the tent!
Hi mate and thankyou kindly, most informative :thumbsup: I usually take her out an put in bath and water to run/dribble off :crying: every couple of days, it's a bit of a pain but it saves any mess, and yes she's usually dried out by the next day, so I give her another few litres or so just to keep her going till next day, then water to run off again.
But from now on though, I will start feeding to 30% ish run off and see how it goes :thumbsup: but as for using a bigger pot, wouldn't that also just encourage bigger plants to grow? :pass:
Bigger pot can lead to bigger plants.
I just saw your grow space and I'm guessing 24" x 18" (60cm x 45cm) Am I in the ballpark?
You may have to stick with smaller pots and water more often!
Or you might try drip feeding or some other watering method or just accept you may have to water more often.
That's the thing there are so many grow styles and methods, it often comes down to developing a personal style, when growing in small grow spaces!
Growing in small spaces, is something I am used to and it can teach you valuable ways to grow and make you use your intuition and your brain!
That for me is part of the challenge and fun!

If you want to keep plants smaller in size but still get a good yield you can try keeping lights closer in early veg, this will keep the plant from stretching to the light and keep the internodes tighter. You need to keep an eye on them so as not to give them toxic levels of light.

I also use a dwarfing method, I have been working on over the years, start In 1 liter pots and grow in them, for the whole veg period!
Then at the first sign of sex (very first pistil) transplant to final pot, the transplant shock, will stop the stretch phase. After that keep temps at the same temp 24 hours a day by either having a 24 hour light cycle or using a thermostatic heater. The reason for this is if you have a temp swing, this encourages stretch. The bigger the swing the bigger the stretch.

Here is a Trippy gorilla (basically an auto Gorilla Glue) I grew by dwarfing by the method I just described.
She was grown in a 15 Liter pot.

However I must stress that if you miss the window (first sign of sex) your plants can get much bigger (strain can also affect the final size).
Here is my Fruitcake Auto I am currently growing in my 2' x 2' tent. she was dwarfed but I was a little late on the transplant.

Not too tall but my god she is wide! 8.5 liter solid pot used! she is 4 times the size of Trippy gorilla!

Funny but true, the smaller plant was grown in a bigger pot and vice versa!
So strain and grow method (timing) can also make a difference!
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Bigger pot can lead to bigger plants.
I just saw your grow space and I'm guessing 24" x 18" (60cm x 45cm) Am I in the ballpark?
You may have to stick with smaller pots and water more often!
Or you might try drip feeding or some other watering method or just accept you may have to water more often.
That's the thing there are so many grow styles and methods, it often comes down to developing a personal style, when growing in small grow spaces!
Growing in small spaces, is something I am used to and it can teach you valuable ways to grow and make you use your intuition and your brain!
That for me is part of the challenge and fun!

If you want to keep plants smaller in size but still get a good yield you can try keeping lights closer in early veg, this will keep the plant from stretching to the light and keep the internodes tighter. You need to keep an eye on them so as not to give them toxic levels of light.

I also use a dwarfing method, I have been working on over the years, start In 1 liter pots and grow in them, for the whole veg period!
Then at the first sign of sex (very first pistil) transplant to final pot, the transplant shock, will stop the stretch phase. After that keep temps at the same temp 24 hours a day by either having a 24 hour light cycle or using a thermostatic heater. The reason for this is if you have a temp swing, this encourages stretch. The bigger the swing the bigger the stretch.

Here is a Trippy gorilla (basically an auto Gorilla Glue) I grew by dwarfing by the method I just described.
She was grown in a 15 Liter pot.
View attachment 1198881

However I must stress that if you miss the window (first sign of sex) your plants can get much bigger (strain can also affect the final size).
Here is my Fruitcake Auto I am currently growing in my 2' x 2' tent. she was dwarfed but I was a little late on the transplant.
View attachment 1198882
Not too tall but my god she is wide! 8.5 liter solid pot used!

Funny but true, the smaller plant was grown in a bigger pot and vice versa!
So strain and grow method (timing) can also make a difference!
that dwarfing method is insane its crazy what folks can grow in small spaces also @Waira i wish i could send you a sample once shes down and chopped if I'm honest I'm counting days till i can have a sly vape also arty the people at sanlight are sending me there new dimmable model so that will be incoming in the next few weeks they also have a youtube channel now