New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Never thought of it that way more bud for the same power cost makes scenes

that deep blue c sounds like a ideal smoke for our lass she has IBS and crones runs in her family might order a few beans for her got her some green crack auto from fast buds she's gonna be my next grow when this berry Ryder is done
image.jpeg Well she's shot up in size not sure if the ponytail method is working the lower branches are catching up to the top of the plant so it must be doing something any way here's some pics sorry for the poor quality and if what I have just said doesn't make much scenes but I have just finished a night shift and a spliff
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
image.jpeg Also noticed some white pistols is this a sign she's a female
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Here she is 3 weeks old think I have messed her up she's a bit to lanky think the lights been abit 2 far away I like mine short and bushy

still no sign of pre flowers yet she's just had a feed of 2.5ml biobizz grow and 1.25ml biobizz fishmix

Things have been crazy this week my family member is loosing his battle with cancer things have took a turn for the worse but the doctors are quote (amazed he is still here he's lucky he got to see Christmas ) the cancer hasn't spread to other organs but is still growing with in his liver and pancrease

So I honestly believe cannabis has blessed us with extra time with him and believe if we caught it early enough it would have cured him why is it still illegal

He's almost out of oil and time so this grow carnt Finnish quick enough or it's a trip to the dealer for another £150 oz any way sorry for rambling on abit
She is looking pretty damn good to me pal, you pulled those 4 lower branches up nicely so they should get more light and give more productive bud sites, the cola looks to be stacking up nicely with good node spacing, should give a nice open structure and get light in to all the buds, she got plenty of time to put on size if she not even showing preflowers yet and continue stacking on the nodes.

Sorry to hear about the hard times you and your family are suffering, cancer is a evil son of a bitch and i hope you manage to give him that pain relief he needs, your right it is fucked up when your right to choose your own fate and relief is controlled by pencil pushing politicians and not yourself or those close to you.
Thanks for the kind words bro it is a fucked up world ruled by greed how can a plant be outlawed

people are opening there eyes to cannabis and the medicinal values its all you see on social media these day and to be truthful I was a bit sceptic about it I thought it was just a excuse to help get it legal but from what I have seen first hand I know it's a miracle plant

If you think she's looking good I will take your word for it she's grown like mad almost out grown the box I have her in just ordered a new tent 1.6mx0.6mx1.5m and by the looks of the top of the plant she's still got a few inches to go
View attachment 574758 View attachment 574759 View attachment 574760 Here she is 3 weeks old think I have messed her up she's a bit to lanky think the lights been abit 2 far away I like mine short and bushy

still no sign of pre flowers yet she's just had a feed of 2.5ml biobizz grow and 1.25ml biobizz fishmix

Things have been crazy this week my family member is loosing his battle with cancer things have took a turn for the worse but the doctors are quote (amazed he is still here he's lucky he got to see Christmas ) the cancer hasn't spread to other organs but is still growing with in his liver and pancrease

So I honestly believe cannabis has blessed us with extra time with him and believe if we caught it early enough it would have cured him why is it still illegal

He's almost out of oil and time so this grow carnt Finnish quick enough or it's a trip to the dealer for another £150 oz any way sorry for rambling on abit
I am very sorry to hear about the disease in your family.
I don't want to sound cruel....but the doc's are right - both tumurs probably results in terminal illness. I happend to study pancratic cancers for a few years and the drugs are not working i the long run. The only way I could induce cell death in my cell cultures was by burning them... The cancers of the pancras just laugh at you when you try to kill them with standard cytostatica (paper submitted for publication).

The best thing to do is love and care, do the best for the patient to have the best possible comfort. Rick Simpson oil won't hurt, but honestly, there are not much hope. Let the hospital do the palliative treatment and if it possible, keep the patient at home....depending on how the pancratic disease progresses. Nutrition is often a problem, as digestion is compromised in the long run. Weed may stimulate apetite, increase wellbeing and reduce fear of death, if that is a problem. Hopefully, the patient has perspective and understand not to worry for the transition to come. We are in good Hands.

I hope you can see what I try to convey.
Thanks for the kind words

Yeah he's at that stage now he has no appetite and has trouble with his bowel movements he's at the hospital regularly Due to him being bloated and not been able to pass urine he has a cafiter fitted

He's also suffering from blood clots in both of his legs he's on the highest dose of medicin to thin his blood but it's not working like it should

Hes home now with the support of his family and the McMillan nurses we know he hasn't got long left and he has accepted his fate it's a hard but that's life

It's my partner I feel sorry for she lost her mother to pancrease and liver cancer and now has to watch her dad go through it

With it been a family illness she will need to be monitored and get regular tests she has started using RSO in hope that it will prevent cancer in the future
Thanks for the kind words

Yeah he's at that stage now he has no appetite and has trouble with his bowel movements he's at the hospital regularly Due to him being bloated and not been able to pass urine he has a cafiter fitted

He's also suffering from blood clots in both of his legs he's on the highest dose of medicin to thin his blood but it's not working like it should

Hes home now with the support of his family and the McMillan nurses we know he hasn't got long left and he has accepted his fate it's a hard but that's life

It's my partner I feel sorry for she lost her mother to pancrease and liver cancer and now has to watch her dad go through it

With it been a family illness she will need to be monitored and get regular tests she has started using RSO in hope that it will prevent cancer in the future
It is horrible.
Maybe your partner should use RSO as prophylaxis... I'm not sure about the genetic component of these cancers, but if both my parets died from the same cancer, I would be scared until I had made my research on the possibility to inherit the disease. I check that out for you and repport what I find in the original sources.
If you have science background, you may also look in yourself. Doc will dig in to it during the day.
@Dr. Babnik Sorry got my info wrong just asked my partner she said she lost her mother to lung and liver cancer and her dad has pancreatic cancer and secondary liver cancer
pancreatic a cancer runs On her dads side of the family and lung and liver on her mothers side

So there's a big chance of her inheriting the gene appreciate your time and effort we will have a look at