Indoor Auto Assassin...!

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I'm having issues, my seed isn't germing. Can't figure why, I soaked them for 24hrs before I planted them. I've always used jiffy pots or just stuck them in the ground. I've been throing 10 in the jiffy dome every month only to have 4 or so germ, & then get 2-3 males. Rite now from my seed I've germ'ed 6 at different times. One is 7 weeks in a aero system, 4 are under some T5's & another just hangin around out side. All are small phenos. It was my 1st seed run...
Hey Man... I'm a noob but I have a 100% germination rate out of 2 grows... 13 plants in total so 13 for 13... This is what we do...

I use the wet paper towel method... fold a paper towel over a few times and soak it -- squeeze it together in my palms until the water is almost all out of it to where it's moist enough to keep the seed damp. Then into a sandwich bag and then we just stick it in a dark fairly humid place. I put it in cabinet next to the refrigerator.. I check it every 8 hours or so and keep re-wetting it and repeating what I did the first time. USUALLY within 48 hours they sprout out enough to put them in the soil. Now I did have ONE Snow Ryder in my current seedlings that didn't germ in the towel so I put it into some Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Light Warrior is better for seedlings so I would get that over FFOF although OF will work fine. I've already ordered some for my next grow which will be Assassins. So, I put it in the FFOF and kept giving it a little pH'd water once a day and it popped out in a day n a half. So I would go old school and try the PT method and if you don't like that try to get some seedling soil and put it in that a give it some pH'd water once a day. That just may work. Sorry the response was winded.
I will try the pt method & have, I usually forget to water em but your twist w/ the zip-lock would work well I bet. Just can't figuer out why they won't pop tho. Thanx for the imput WVR....!
Muddy=Just read a comparison grow to the Blackstar 240 and in the end the GLH 290 blew it away, which has me rethinking getting a Blackstar....Dont do that the GLH is 700bucks and draws 290w, buy 3 blackstars and it will only pull 360w and it will blow the 290 away..JMO......Not bashing GLH...
I had some similar issues with seed I made. I've been letting them soak longer, up to 72 hours or until they all crack. I've also been adding 3 or 4 drops of Diamond Nectar to about 3 oz. of water. Supposed to be another benefit of humic acid, improves germination and produces healthier sprouts. So far working pretty well with 90%+ germination and very healthy seedlings.
I will try the pt method & have, I usually forget to water em but your twist w/ the zip-lock would work well I bet. Just can't figuer out why they won't pop tho. Thanx for the imput WVR....!

That's what I do bro and it never let's me down. Put them in ziplocks but I leave a small gap in the bag, put em on my heat mat and forget about them 24 hours 99% of the time tap root is visable after checking. If not let them go another 12 hours or so.
Thanks Muddy. I am having the same issues with seeds I made. I just figured I hadn't dried them sufficiently. After soaking until they sink, I normally germinate in rooters but that was a definite no-go. So, I went to the pt/baggie method and had about A 25% germ rate. The extra time soaking may be the ticket... I hope. (BTW, all the seeds I am attempting to germinate have been air-drying for a least a couple weeks and they're all dark with tiger-striping.)
I used to basically cold stratify my seeds and always had pretty good luck place them in a tupperware container or a good ziplock bag with some dry rice. I'd let them sit for a month occasionally throwing in some more rice. When I felt it was dry I'd then freeze them for a week and then in the refridgerator they go. As for germing in any media other than soil..good luck. Adding the fertilizer to the mix really does help matters though whether some people think so or not. Humic and fulvic acids are supposed to be good as well but I've not tried that as of yet and won't until my current method screws up. Hope you got at least some good out of your seeds though smashed
After soaking until they sink, I normally germinate in rooters but that was a definite no-go. So, I went to the pt/baggie method and had about A 25% germ rate. The extra time soaking may be the ticket... I hope. (BTW, all the seeds I am attempting to germinate have been air-drying for a least a couple weeks and they're all dark with tiger-striping.)
sounds like they should be good... maybe give another week dry time and fridge them with rice (like hitman mentioned) I put rice in all my seed packs for drying and as a moisture killer.... and lately been fridging them and my germ rates are climbing a bit...

hope this help mate

