Live Stoners Australian Growers Thread

Just signed up for electricity, at a flat rate of 22.5c/kWh. Not to bad.

I have crunched some numbers
700w, comes to $238/ quarter, if I up the ante to 1500w it comes to $500/ quarter.
Not as bad as I expected. I can see a second tent in the near future.
:growing: :pass:
I’m back! :woohoo1: For those who remember me haha.
Good to see you guys are still going f6, hecno, teetee, sorry to hear about your stink tokin, hope everything’s going well mate.
I had to bail after setting up the AFN ashes... (who won btw?) landlord kicked us out just before Chrissy, spent a few months living in a caravan with my family, moved to the their side in the country, in WA now, nice little spot, good growing country out here, don’t think I’ve had a 30+ degree day yet :cooldance: just sprouted some bag seeds, hopefully not to late into the season.
Anyway I’m ready to grow again just interested in where we’re all buying our seeds from these days? I was using Bonza, are they still a good site, Where do you fellas buy your beans from?

Anyway good to be back, got some catching up to do! Hope everyone had a fantastic New Years
Good to see you back on Brother. Happy New Year and all that, I hope you have a better one than your last by the sounds of whats been happening your way!
I have bought from Seedsman a few times, genuine packaging with the beans, and well discreet with the way they send them 'stealth mode'.
I also just took delivery of a prize direct from Dinafem, and they sent the beans from Spain no worries either. You'd probably wanna buy a T shirt as well to help them with the packaging.... I dunno, you'll have to discuss it with them.

Good luck!
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Wb dude!

Skelly took that one out I'm pretty sure!

I had a problem with Bonza but was eventually sorted, try Seedsman or dope seeds banners around the site:thumbsup:
