Indoor Australia+Equatorial v the world

Turns out tomatoes don't like the heat as much as canna tomatoes died a couple of weeks ago but my cannabis is still alive...until tomorrow anyway! My new tomato I'm going to do the same thing with as my canna and see if it handles the heat any better
Here is my poor tomato , lots of days 36 c plus .
View attachment 988874
Congrats man!!

My grow -
So right off the bat i made a mistake...ive been opting to use the lazy assed way of seedlings and presoaking the pots the day i put the seeds in paper towel. This technique worked great in my old setup that was super dry and high circulation. But my new setup is cool(70F), and the dang pots dont want to dry out!! Here we are at almost 14 days and still damp...dammit, so now a few are showing overwatering signs. Also i have fungus gnats...not sure if they came from the space or the promix, but i have them! All i can do right now is i layered the top of the soil and the drainholes with diamascus earth. Hoping thats enough to take care of the little buggers....first time i have had to deal with those little black buggers!
:cuss:bugs are my worst enemy!! The weather I can deal with but the bugs drive me crazy...
Mesquito dunks ground with a fine cheese grator!
Turns out tomatoes don't like the heat as much as canna tomatoes died a couple of weeks ago but my cannabis is still alive...until tomorrow anyway! My new tomato I'm going to do the same thing with as my canna and see if it handles the heat any better

View attachment 988884 !
She's not only a trooper in the heat but just looks damn nice!
Turns out tomatoes don't like the heat as much as canna tomatoes died a couple of weeks ago but my cannabis is still alive...until tomorrow anyway! My new tomato I'm going to do the same thing with as my canna and see if it handles the heat any better

View attachment 988884 !
Hey Grow Bro..[emoji482]
Buy something like this.
The sun shades will help your garden cannabis whatever you're growing not get so much of that sun give them a little relief from that u v you may need this to be an outside farmer in your sun and heat.. that tent would be pretty cool to help you keep some of the bugs back as well. And there pretty inexpensive here in America I'm not sure what they are down there in Australia but I'm sure they're not that much more or less.

Thanks man, that would sure help keep the bugs out! Great idea, i will have a look at Ebay tonight. It's portable as well so even better!:cheers::cheers:
Hey Grow Bro..[emoji482]
Buy something like this.
The sun shades will help your garden cannabis whatever you're growing not get so much of that sun give them a little relief from that u v you may need this to be an outside farmer in your sun and heat.. that tent would be pretty cool to help you keep some of the bugs back as well. And there pretty inexpensive here in America I'm not sure what they are down there in Australia but I'm sure they're not that much more or less.


The :dragon3:nest..

I've had a crap run with auto regs in my hydro, been getting males! I don't want a male in my hydro!!!!

The soil girls a wee bit stretchy! And the hydro one a bit sickly or Rudi throwback and likely to be male is my suspicion!

Will probably bury the cups in the clay balls and have just enough flow to keep them moist. These 5 are way behind the other plants in there so in the end the pot can be in the middle and I'll train them outwardly to get a bit of a second yield from my growspace.
