Indoor Australia+Equatorial v the world

Alright fellas my irons are in the fire [emoji90]cocked locked and ready to break some seeds open.
So here we go here's your pic of the day

Pluggers AWAY[emoji12]

So what I put in is the one and only somango seed from my summer 2017 grow. This is my avatar bud with my Michigan hat.
This plant the one that filled the wheelbarrow up that was a big girl at one time for two weeks she grew as much is 3" a day outside she's a beast hopefully this seed will produce well for me inside. But before I flower her I will take two clones I want to produce her outside at least one more time.
I also want try and make seeds with the other clone and maybe breed her with something else.

The Citrus super Haze is from my 2016 inside grow where I had a light timer malfunction it stayed on for a week or so and I didn't know it was staying on. So all the plants in that grow produced a lot of seeds this is also from the very first freebie that I got from seedsman this plant was a crowd favorite right up until 2017 when I had gotten new seeds from seedsman and discontinued that one I think it was a mistake because I believe that seed is better than the new ones I got from seedsman just my opinion.

Ok last but not least a seedsman blueberry I have several more left this is just the last one from a 5 pack that I had.
Everybody around here loves to seedsman Blueberry very flavorful very strong Indica good weed guarantee it's going to be 20% or better I can't beat it it goes so good with the chocolate mint OG it's like eating blueberry muffins with chocolate and coffee LOL...[emoji482]

So here I go PLUGGERS[emoji377][emoji91][emoji100]

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I put mine in some dirt today, only one was showing a little bit of tail but planted them both anyway...we shall see what happens! If I'm lucky i might have some dragons in the mail tomorrow arvo one will go in some paper towel as soon as they land:dragon3:
Alright fellas my irons are in the fire [emoji90]cocked locked and ready to break some seeds open.
So here we go here's your pic of the day
Pluggers AWAY[emoji12]
So what I put in is the one and only somango seed from my summer 2017 grow. This is my avatar bud with my Michigan hat.
This plant the one that filled the wheelbarrow up that was a big girl at one time for two weeks she grew as much is 3" a day outside she's a beast hopefully this seed will produce well for me inside. But before I flower her I will take two clones I want to produce her outside at least one more time.
I also want try and make seeds with the other clone and maybe breed her with something else.

The Citrus super Haze is for my 2016 inside grow where I had a light timer malfunction it stayed on for a week or so and I didn't know it was staying on. So all the plants in that grow produced a lot of seeds this is also from the very first freebie that I got from seedsman this plant was a crowd favorite right up until 2017 when I had gotten new seeds from seedsman and discontinued that one I think it was a mistake because I believe that seed is better than the new ones I got from seedsman just my opinion.
Ok last but not least a seedsman blueberry I have several more left this is just the last one from a 5 pack that I had.
Everybody around here loves to seedsman Blueberry very flavorful very strong Indica good weed guarantee it's going to be 20% or better I can't beat it it goes so good with the chocolate mint OG it's like eating blueberry muffins with chocolate and coffee LOL...[emoji482]
So here I go PLUGGERS[emoji377][emoji91][emoji100]

So i have worked out this new vaporizer....turns out it will put you in space! I wasn't increasing temperature with my session time, practice makes perfect right?

What Vaporizer do you use? They can vary a great deal. Same temps on diff device can work Very differently.

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I have a davinci iq, after watching a couple of YouTube videos about it I think i have it worked out a little more...I'm hopeless with technology...never had problems with rolling papers before!
What Vaporizer do you use? They can vary a great deal. Same temps on diff device can work Very differently.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have a davinci iq, after watching a couple of YouTube videos about it I think i have it worked out a little more...I'm hopeless with technology...never had problems with rolling papers before!
So are you vaping now? I heard you figured it out are you in deep space? LOL
