Mephisto Genetics Atulip Sprouts Mephisto - Organic - LED

Yeah I'm no dialed in grower and I got heavy with the guano. Saw some n tox and I think one batch of soil has low ph. Seeing the start of a p deficiency.

I'll be honest, I switched to organics for low maintenance and cost. I've mostly used the Coots kit from build a soil, but I fed with general organics still for bigger plants. I dropped that and played with the ferts too much and I'm still seeing a few issues here and there. But it doesn't take a dialed in grow to get good weed. I see people sticking to feeding schedules, worrying about each little issue, checking ph all the time. I've just been letting them ride it out, they're still pumping out top quality bud even if stunted.

Packing them into more of a SoG is nice. If I stunt one it's not much of a loss, and if they get too big we just take out some shoots. Just means more nutrients for the bud sites we leave anyway. Now that I've got a bit more space I'm aiming for a mere 2 oz per plant, one plant per square foot, and 1.5+gpw. Anything above an oz makes me happy though.

I know some people have plant limits, so SoG isn't an option, but smaller faster growing plants yields more than big slow ones. Seed cost is pretty minimal. (Total cost per plant is only $19(seed, new soil, electricity for 12 weeks)) electricity being the biggest cost, that scales up with size of plant.

Swick has been great too. Just perlite bed to hold water so I don't have to actually water them, just fill it up every week and let them do their thing. The most labor in here is harvest each week. :D
I'm glad you replied to my "Electrician" thread, because I had seen you post before, but because I was Organo-ignorant, I never really browsed the section, nor the LED section, to be honest, a lot of new folks with the same questions regarding LED panels.. I know we all have to start somewhere, but I've done quite a bit of reading on how LEDs are effective; not so much about LED engineering, so your posts are a certain breath of new life!!! Pop and you have guided me into a better realm!!! I'm aiming for the low-maintenance, high quality, and hydro, for the most part, isn't that.. I love hydro for the science of it, but there have been at least a dozen times I've had to go away for work for extended periods of time, and I love my wife, but she's not a scientist, nor a chemist, nor a botanist or a farmer, so asking her to even water plants makes me a little nervous because SHE is nervous.. She knows how much I love growing, so she's convinced she'll mess them up with her interaction.. I figure soil is a lot easier as mixing nutes can sorta be done ahead of time (I have a small 7gal res I can bubble a nute mix in, and she'd just have to measure out quarts/pints at a time and mix with distilled water.. Still, she doesn't understand pH scales, nor the addition of pH adjustment chems...

And I beg to differ on the "dialed-in" grower comment......... I just read through this, on top of a couple other threads you've done, and you'd be pulling my shit by saying otherwise!!!! Your grows are consistent and have such great variety, ANYONE could literally follow your principles/techniques, and STILL produce more than adequate crops for personal use.. I have always aimed for perpetual because I have tried to keep my plants small for my space..

And I know EXACTLY what you're saying about slow-growers.. My 4 Zambeza Jack Herers growing now, are over 100 days, and STILL popping pistils w/ damn near ZERO amber trichs.. What I thought were amber, were just reflections from the panels.. Last time I grew these, they went 120+ days, and I chopped them because I had too much going on in the tent.. I LOVE the strain they made, but it takes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long for the yield I get.. Quality is definitely up though, so I have to take that into consideration..

I'm actually thinking once the Jacks are done, I'm gonna pull the hydro set-up outta the box, and start another set of soil seeds.. That's how motivated you and Pop have gotten me!!!!! Thanks for the inadvertent "kick in the ass"!!!!!!!!

I try to share as much info as I can. I remember being blind to leds. Tried to replace a 400w hps with a mars 400 and couldn't figure out why it sucked so bad. But my summer temps are bad here, so just replacing the hps with equal watts meant I could grow all summer still. I actually stumbled onto growmau5 on YT, before that I had no clue about cob tech, and high end blurple lighting is a fortune(bml, at600, Grownorthern).

If you don't mind bottled nutes, general organics (owned by gen hydro) worked well for me. I was feeding weekly with that before moving more to water only. I haven't PH'd anything since moving to organics, I don't miss that at all lol. Pick up some 30 ML syringes, Makes measuring really easy.

Most people should see at least an average of 450g/m2, or 1.5oz a square foot if you're filling the grow space. The SoG average is only 650g/m2 right now at 79days average seed to harvest. That's the last of the 2.5'x5' tent. The rest of these will finish and the 4'x8' will be a bit more organized hopefully.(4 a week)


Starting to see buds coming in everywhere. Looking great.

Topped the 4 Skylar White at node 3. Day 16.

I've always been skeptical about topping autos, but I've seen a few folks do it.. Do you really notice much of a difference with regards to quantity/quality? I know it helps keep the canopy even, but I've always been a bit of a naturalist.. Then again, I keep thinking about the arbor vitae, hollies and the junipers I always trim and how they come back with a vengeance the following year.. Autos don't have that kind of luxury, but I was hoping to gain a little better understanding before I give a couple of my NLxBBs the axe!!
Just makes canopy management easier IMO. I've topped a bunch(most that I grow, actually), seen no issues. The only issue is topping too late, and most are fine to train heavily until they start stretching up and forming sites. I've defol'd heavily beyond this point with no issue, though I'd rather take an entire branch off than pluck too many leaves.

They recover just like photos, just don't stress them once they're flowering. Most autos should be fine to top in the 2-3week old area. Beyond that I would limit training to lst and defol unless you know the plant vegs long.
Overdue for a decent update so I'm try and get caught up.

For the 4'x8' perpetual, Skylar white x 4 (Day 23) start the 4 a week 1 per square foot design.

Skylar White(day 23) less than a week after topping, recovering nicely. These are in 2 different soil mixes, 2 are in Coots soil kit, and 2 in build a soil mix, both amended to 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 worm castings, 1/6 rice hulls, 1/6 perlite. Mixed at 2cups/cu ft. #3 looks like a different pheno, 1,2,4 pretty identical.


Walter White (day 12, 5, 0) 5 each week, one doofus arose on week 1, fail to fire on week 2. Glad I'm planting 5 to keep 4 now, makes things a bit easier and conveniently works since a 3 pack comes with 5. :D

(The one in the back is a photoperiod, might play around with a little auto flower grafting in the future)

I'll pot week 1 Walters up tomorrow probably. They will start the soil trials. Base soil is 25% peat, 25% coco, 25% worm castings12.5% perlite, 12.5% rice hulls, Week 1, Coots for half, build a soil for the other 2. Amended at 1.5cups/cu ft. Week 2 will be Coots and build a soil on top of a supersoil blend (60% bagged organic soil, 15% perlite, 15% coco, 10% castings, amended with my nutrient blend at 3cup/cu ft). And week 3 on @gbd supersoil nutrients, probably the same base mix.

Ordered more stuff from rootmaker. Loving these pots so I grabbed the 60cell one for outdoor stuff. (And more of the 18cell :D)

If anyone's doing DIY lighting, PLC is having a sale on components. New 140mm pin sinks available too, drilled and tapped. Grabbed some for myself. Planning another light build.

Organic soil kits and supplies from build a soil.

@gbd super soil and Mephisto Genetics.

Rootmaker pots.

Pretty much everything else
I just looked up that Mephisto/GBD Super-soil mix and it looks very similar to the mix I made earlier this year and my NLxBBs are using it now.. I'll take some pictures in a minute when the lights are about to come on (I think they come on around 11:30-ish), and it appears the mix is doing a wonderful job!!!

About how long have you used it (if you have), and do you amend it further besides the items you listed above?? Your plants always seem to be extremely healthy and have great vigor!!!