Mephisto Genetics Atulip Sprouts Mephisto - Organic - LED

Some rearranging done. More space freed up and it's looking like we'll fit 21 pots in here, 22 with a jiffy plug. Soils getting remixed this week.

Heisenberg Special and White Train(Day 36) HS got a haircut today, she was taking up more than her allowed 8"x8" space, lol. WT is stunted. Let's see what this little stick produces.
WT so small

HS defol. Before and after


White n Bubbly x2(Day 21) looking great. Given a full strength grow feed.

Heisenberg Special and White Train(Day 15) also slightly stunted :D Amateur hour at Atulips house.

Chemdogging x2(Day 12) Looking excellent. Half strength grow.

Sour Blues x2(Day 5) 1/4 strength grow feeding.

Walter White(Day 0) Lets see some frost.
Looking good in here. Growing them all organically you won't have the huge yielder but you sir will probably have some of the finest mephisto smoke grown to day when this whole thing is over. And since you have like 1000 beans you'll be fine on the final weights to last a while lol
Just wait a few months. I'm trying to talk the misses into an upgrade to a 4x8 tent. 32sq ft compared to my current 12sq ft. :D then we can really see of Sea Of Mephisto™

When you gonna hop on the organics train @A-Train? If not for the quality smoke, for the low maintenance grows. :jointman:
I think you are overfeeding your plants, it will stunt them and hold them back quite a bit. With the soil you are using, you probably wouldnt need to feed them at all for the first month at least. Its a very common mistake and Ive done it myself. Too much water and too much ferts is something pretty much everyone does starting out.
Underfeeding them, I am. I've ran the soil water only, it's less than impressive. I've seen some n toxiticity at around 1.5x strength nutes but that's about it. The stunted seedlings came from the soil, well, except the WT(bad transplant early). I got careless mixing it up too hot. This is also why the jiffy plug girls are clearly doing much better. You have to also remember that I feed small quantities weekly at best, and the soil moisture is maintained automatically with a bottom Fed wick system.

I've also ran a side by side of water only vs GO line in the same soil on some photoperiods, it's over on the new site somewhere now. There was a clear winner there with the GO nutes on top of Coots soil.

Now my girls don't get as big as the hydro girls if that's what you're comparing to. My very first grow was a dwc and they exploded in growth. Been running organic soil since then for low maintenance, just didn't deviate from the soil recipe until lately. As for plant size I'm actually trimming them back this grow, SoG, if you want to see some big bushy organic autos, check my Dinafem grow, they're in 5gal pots and given more space. But they also took 1.5x strength grow nutes like a champ and exploded in growth.

Gonna run 3x Walter Whites when my closet gets space. Those will be 5gal smart pots in water only with the new soil mixture at different ammendment strengths.