Outdoor Attack of the Sour Spyders! (Mdanzig Sour Spyder grow #2)

I took a good look at my plant this morning and the flowers are starting to turn purple! And the trichomes are all milky with a few turning amber. It looks like it may finish in a couple of weeks as advertised.
My girl is 49 days old and I think looking good!

A couple of updated photos today. I just gave this girl her last dose of bloom fert and expect to harvest in about 2 weeks. From my first grow I know that this variety does not get completely yellow leaves before she is ready to harvest (at least for me). But, the older sun leaves are starting to turn so I know her time is coming! Comments welcome.


My first plant of this variety is amazing, even given that my first grow was planted way too early and then suffered from thrips and newbie mistakes. :shrug: This grow has no issues whatsovever so I expect a better result and a somewhat larger yield.
Today is day 54 of an advertised 55-65 day finish and it may just finish as advertised, perhaps a bit longer. I am really happy with this plant having had no issues whatsoever. One spray of spinosad and diatomacous earth used on the soil and there have been no thrips this time. I used some high nitrogen ferts to get as much height as possible and when I decided she was not going to stretch any more, I switched to a couple of doses of a super high phospherous bloom fert. Then I gave here some organic bloom ferts. So, I did a combination of chemical and organic, pushing as much as I could to start and then backing off to the organics.

Time will tell whether I prefer the smoke from my first grow (organic) or this one using chemical ferts, but it looks like my crop this time will be at least double. The cola is thicker and looks to be denser as well. The sun leaves are starting to turn yellow but I have not pulled any yet, although some of the first leaves to form have completely dried and fallen off.

And the flowers are starting to turn a nice purple color. :woohoo1:


She's a nice plant, E^3. I wouldn't be in a hurry to harvest her even though you're flush now. Of course, I don't know much about this strain or how she smoked last time, but I never go by the advertised finish times and use the "if the buds look ready, wait another week" yardstick.

If you're set on harvesting next week, maybe you could experiment and chop the main cola and let the side branches mature for another 10-14 days just to give you a couple types of buds to compare.

Either way, I say you've got some good bud on the way nice job.
I appreciate your thoughts, of course. There are so many suggestions on when to harvest from so many people that have much more experience than I have growing marijuana...it becomes baffeling to know when, so instead of follwing one suggestion, I take all the ideas given (dozens from here and from friends locally), measure them all, put them in a blender and harvest when it looks ready to me. It absolutely becomes impossible to follow all the suggestions of when the right moment comes to havest! Basically I use my instincts and 5 decades as a master gardener. Having grown produce since I was 5, I know full well that when a tomato seed package says you can harvest in 100 days and the tomatoes are still tiny and green at 100 days I know instinctively that the tomatoes are not ready! Likewise with pot plants I see no reason to believe the stated harvest time suggestions.

Noobs like me are on a personal quest to grow the best product they can, but there are so many ideas and suggestions that to find the "best" way becomes a frustrating chore. Rest assured, I will harvest when the plant looks ripe for picking and that time is not here yet as the buds become fatter and more purple. She still seems to be in active blooming mode with the buds continuing to get thicker. And so far I am not noticing more than less than 1% of the trichomes turning amber. Yesterday I pulled 4 larger sun leaves that had yellowed so I know she is nearing the end but that time is not here yet!

I am tempted to give a weak dose of bloom fert tomorrow but will decide in the morning. I bet she is still 2 weeks away from harvest.

Here are a couple more pictures. The main cola is a good size for such a small plant, only 19 inches tall!



A couple of close up images of side flowers off the main cola.
Cool, man, I think another 2 weeks sounds good! I'm running all new strains so I'll probably end up multi-harvesting branches to get a sense for the change in quality and effect at different stages, but I definitely don't prefer an early harvest.

Great job on your grow and nice pictures! :thumbsup: