Outdoor Attack of the Sour Spyders! (Mdanzig Sour Spyder grow #2)

Jan 10, 2015
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My first plant grow went just OK, with battles waged against thrips and excessive heat. And now it is time to do my second grow. Again, I am growing on my balcony in 3 gallon pots. I am using a high quality organic soil which is locally made and packaged. You will notice some white spray residue on the lower leaves which is from diatomatious earth. Yes, thrips attacked early but I killed them! And I will not allow them to come back this time. I am not doing anything exotic, just a simple grow treating the plant(s) much as I would a tomato.

Stay tuned!






I fertilized both today with a high nitrogen chemical fertilizer today. I know...I was going to go all organic, but I wanted to push some vegitative growth on both of my girls since my last plant topped out at 19 inches. Maybe these two will get a larger structure with a single high nitrogen boost. From here on I will only use organic ferts.

Since I had issues with thrips on my last grow I am using diotomacius earth rather liberally on the soil and have used one spray on the leaves with the DE mixed with water. So far, after fiding one thrip early on, I don't see anything on my girls.

Out of my "make do" greenhouse and into full sun. No bugs (knock on wood) and growing like the weed it is!
My second plant yesterday. It seems that she has stopped her vertical growth so I gave her a good dose of bloom fertilizer yesterday. And, since I have sprinkled diatomacous earth on the soil and did a spray with DE mixed with water, I have not seen any thrips this time...until yesterday. I only saw two but DAMN IT! So, I mixed up some spinosad and did a spray. Hopefully that will take care of the little hungry bastards.

It is wonderful to see what just 10 days did for bud growth. No problems or issues this time, except for being well over 100* for a few days. My second plant is just two weeks behind this beauty but seems to be either a super dwarf or is stunted. It is only about 4" tall and the internodes are very close together. It also did not fare so well in the excessive heat.

You're doing excellent E^3, you've got some frosty goodness on the way. :thumbsup:
Looking good @EEEcubed im always jealous of people who have the weather for an outdoor grow. Lovely looking plants +rep