As good as everclear?

a 4 part grinder
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sooner or later you end up with this in part 4
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what to do with it ?
ive done many things with it,even snorted once just because :shrug:(eejit)
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in the oven
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i guess im getting a jar of honey tomorrow [emoji3]
Get some local produced honey, it's much better for you than big store sugar water honey.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
cheers :cheers: space case usa

most used tool in gemmilltown.spendy but the perfect grinder.
is 65 miles away local ? not good for my carbon footprint hmm what a shithole i live in :face:
Id just like to say the response and advice from the people on here is amazing, some sites im a member of no one really wants to help you but here people jump through hoops to help.
So thank you to everyone for all the advice and guidance.
I seem to have got mixed up with a honey and tincture threads.
I didnt know dinafem did mystery packslpokim good keep er lit
Yeah i didnt either but i bought a pineapple express auto, critical 2.0 auto, moby dick cbd fem and a dinamed cbd all from dinafem and i got two seeds free in a plain plastic tub.