Dinafem Arty's Solo Cups, Random Autos & Fungi

Hi Tom:bighug:

Hands are mush better thanks, they still retain a little darker red colour but that is normal for "Giant Hog Weed".
The darkened colour can last for up tp 3 years and can stay photosensitive, so care needs to still be taken ion those 3 years and factor 50 needs to be applied.
So apart from that, my time is being put into trying to get work, looking into starting a business or finding other ways to create revenue streams.
This is taking all my concentration and in order to keep focus I haven't been posting in forums as I know I would rather be posting here than putting my head down and getting on with sorting my working life out!
I will continue to not be around much until after the first week of October as I will be on an expedition early Oct.
Once I get back I will throw myself in to the Dinafem Solo cup challenge.
Both Ruby and Spirit Walker weighed in at 46g.
Sorry for the late pics

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Spirit walker 46g

Ruby 46g
Hi Tom:bighug:

Hands are mush better thanks, they still retain a little darker red colour but that is normal for "Giant Hog Weed".
The darkened colour can last for up tp 3 years and can stay photosensitive, so care needs to still be taken ion those 3 years and factor 50 needs to be applied.
So apart from that, my time is being put into trying to get work, looking into starting a business or finding other ways to create revenue streams.
This is taking all my concentration and in order to keep focus I haven't been posting in forums as I know I would rather be posting here than putting my head down and getting on with sorting my working life out!
I will continue to not be around much until after the first week of October as I will be on an expedition early Oct.
Once I get back I will throw myself in to the Dinafem Solo cup challenge.
Both Ruby and Spirit Walker weighed in at 46g.
Sorry for the late pics

View attachment 1231026
Spirit walker 46g
View attachment 1231027
Ruby 46g
Arty....Arty....Arty zan :bighug:....My bro, I have missed you dude..:bow:...had a short break from posting meself recently, not much to report anyways lol:crying:......What happened with your hands bro? and like Tom said, I hope you are feeling better:bighug:...and an expidition??!!.....dude lol, you have just taken the form of Indiana Jones in my head haha...But seriously, I wish you success and safety on your travels bro.......Weed looks tasty too homez:toke:
Hey brother @vapo:bighug:

I took on a garden clearing job to earn a little as I have lost my job due to covid.
On the third day of the job , these huge yellow blisters appeared on the backs of my hands.

This isn't my arm but it gives you a good idea what the backs of my hands looked like!
It took weeks to heal!
All is well know but the damaged skin may remain photosensitive for 3 years and could blister again if exposed to too much light!
Factor 50 is advised for those 3 years or wearing gloves.
I intend never to let this happen again!

The expedition - I will be off into some wild and wooly locations, trying to track down a long lost tribe of Magical Welsh Pixies.
The Pixies apparently live in tiny villages in between the blades of grass in the Welsh Mountains, so I am told.
Their homes are built on slender poles, inside tiny rounded, tipi looking dwellings, & right at the top, there is a little pointy bit, not unlike a nipple!
These pixies have the secret knowledge, to bend space and time, make you see funny colours and make you laugh your arse off, for hours!
The Pixies are reckoned to be most easily found in the autumn, after some rain, as this seems to make them easier to find, if you know where to look for them!
If the legends are true and we have favorable conditions a mindmeld may occur between us and the Pixies, with hopes of the secret knowledge of the ancients, being understood!
Sounds pretty far out and cosmic right...??
I hope it is......!!:smoking:
Hey brother @vapo:bighug:

I took on a garden clearing job to earn a little as I have lost my job due to covid.
On the third day of the job , these huge yellow blisters appeared on the backs of my hands.
View attachment 1231059
This isn't my arm but it gives you a good idea what the backs of my hands looked like!
It took weeks to heal!
All is well know but the damaged skin may remain photosensitive for 3 years and could blister again if exposed to too much light!
Factor 50 is advised for those 3 years or wearing gloves.
I intend never to let this happen again!

The expedition - I will be off into some wild and wooly locations, trying to track down a long lost tribe of Magical Welsh Pixies.
The Pixies apparently live in tiny villages in between the blades of grass in the Welsh Mountains, so I am told.
Their homes are built on slender poles, inside tiny rounded, tipi looking dwellings, & right at the top, there is a little pointy bit, not unlike a nipple!
These pixies have the secret knowledge, to bend space and time, make you see funny colours and make you laugh your arse off, for hours!
The Pixies are reckoned to be most easily found in the autumn, after some rain, as this seems to make them easier to find, if you know where to look for them!
If the legends are true and we have favorable conditions a mindmeld may occur between us and the Pixies, with hopes of the secret knowledge of the ancients, being understood!
Sounds pretty far out and cosmic right...??
I hope it is......!!:smoking:
Oh my fucking sweet Lord Arty, I hope you have healed up ok bro and my heart goes out to you, what caused it dude?....Just bad sunburn?.....I believe you will have a great "nipple pixie" adventure....great weather for it hehe...Have a blast bro and be safe too......looking forward to hearing about it:bighug::pass:
Hi Tom:bighug:

Hands are mush better thanks, they still retain a little darker red colour but that is normal for "Giant Hog Weed".
The darkened colour can last for up tp 3 years and can stay photosensitive, so care needs to still be taken ion those 3 years and factor 50 needs to be applied.
So apart from that, my time is being put into trying to get work, looking into starting a business or finding other ways to create revenue streams.
This is taking all my concentration and in order to keep focus I haven't been posting in forums as I know I would rather be posting here than putting my head down and getting on with sorting my working life out!
I will continue to not be around much until after the first week of October as I will be on an expedition early Oct.
Once I get back I will throw myself in to the Dinafem Solo cup challenge.
Both Ruby and Spirit Walker weighed in at 46g.
Sorry for the late pics

View attachment 1231026
Spirit walker 46g
View attachment 1231027
Ruby 46g
just post occasionally so we know your safe and those pics of that arm look angry as fuck your hands must of been so so bad
Oh my fucking sweet Lord Arty, I hope you have healed up ok bro and my heart goes out to you, what caused it dude?....Just bad sunburn?.....I believe you will have a great "nipple pixie" adventure....great weather for it hehe...Have a blast bro and be safe too......looking forward to hearing about it:bighug::pass:
Oh my fucking sweet Lord Arty, I hope you have healed up ok bro and my heart goes out to you, what caused it dude?....Just bad sunburn?.....I believe you will have a great "nipple pixie" adventure....great weather for it hehe...Have a blast bro and be safe too......looking forward to hearing about it:bighug::pass:
Giant Hogweed is what messed up my hands.
The sap of giant hogweed can cause burns. It contains furocoumarin, which makes skin extremely sensitive to sunlight (phytophotodermatitis). If the sap gets onto your skin, then you are exposed to sun, your skin can blister badly and blistering can recur over months and even years. This is known as phytotoxicity.
Avoid brushing through patches of giant hogweed and exposing yourself to plants which have been cut which might cause you to get sap on your skin.

I was clearing a garden which hadn't been touched for ten years, so I was just hacking away at it and that is how i must have come in to contact with the sap.
just post occasionally so we know your safe and those pics of that arm look angry as fuck your hands must of been so so bad
Sure thing!
Hands were bad as the skin is thin and need to stretch when closing your hand to pick things up.
I think I mentioned the fact that I had to keep my hands up for about a week, otherwise the blood would rush into my swollen hands and that really hurt!
I will be back around for the dinafem solo comp and have sent Mark a PM just to let him know..
So I should be back around 7th of Oct, for some solo cup fun!
Thanks for the rep,:bighug: nice to see it back.
Sure thing!
I will be back around for the dinafem solo comp and have sent Mark a PM just to let him know..
So I should be back around 7th of Oct, for some solo cup fun!
Thanks for the rep,:bighug: nice to see it back.
i take it your going for things that come out of the ground especially after rain to enlighten your mind or am i miles off
i take it your going for things that come out of the ground especially after rain to enlighten your mind or am i miles off
Totally spot on:thumbsup:
I must admit, I enjoyed being cryptic about it but lets face it wasn't too difficult to work it out, especially if you are from the UK.
However these friendly little fellows are found world wide.
There was a time when, there was a part of the forum dedicated to these little fellows but ever since weed has been legal (underst law) in certain states in America, that part of the forum has disappeared!
So these days, I don't mention them explicitly but if people read between the lines, those who know...know what I mean ;) !
Totally spot on:thumbsup:
I must admit, I enjoyed being cryptic about it but lets face it wasn't too difficult to work it out, especially if you are from the UK.
However these friendly little fellows are found world wide.
There was a time when, there was a part of the forum dedicated to these little fellows but ever since weed has been legal (underst law) in certain states in America, that part of the forum has disappeared!
So these days, I don't mention them explicitly but if people read between the lines, those who know...know what I mean ;) !
i knew what you meant but I'm a lad who has tried every drug known to man in my youth but when i was about 13 i used to bunk school and go to these fields part of old church grounds and if you went the right time of day and year i would pick and eat away and have to go home from school totally out of my face i just used to eat them and i can remember gritty bits of soil even now and other times it was tea as i said i was just a teenager then but fuck me my eyes were opened