Indoor Arty Grows : Trippy Gorilla by Big Head Seeds

21st Sept 2018

I have just took some shots of the early chop, in their drying cab!
Does it look familiar, it should!
This is my micro cab I grew my AS99 in Arty's PC case grow.
It is doing a fine job doubling up as a drying can and the Mini DIY carbon filter is working like a treat!
It is a great little cab and it also comes in handy bringing on seedlings too!
These nugs have only got a week to dry I hope they will be a decent smoke/vape as I haven't got anymore time for them to dry before they need to be smoked/vaped.
I have taken some shots from various angles to give you an idea of how they are hung.
In total there are 5 rows hanging with a few odd little buds at the bottom on a wire rack!
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DSCN4849_Fotor (FILEminimizer).jpg
DSCN4851_Fotor (FILEminimizer).jpg
Oct 10th 2018

This is just after getting back after Stones Birthday, It was a great time and everyone enjoyed it very much!
Time waits for no man and the harvest needs to be chopped, so although I didn't feel great as I had a heavy cold, it was a job which has to be done!
Here is some pics of the girl I chopped that night.

Trippy Gorilla [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
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The Trippy Gorilla's have all been chopped, trimmed and are now on drying racks in my cab.
Trippy gorilla's [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] & [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] are complete plants, with nothing removed.
Trippy gorilla's [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] & [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] had a number of top buds removed for Stones Birthday, friends, family and myself.
Around 3Oz dry weight was taken from Trippy gorilla [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] & [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] but there was a ton of buds on them after the pre-harvest.
After the Pre-harvest TG [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] & [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] got another 2 weeks of grow time to fatten up the lower bud sites.
Here are the pics of the TG's

Chunky nug girl, which had been top chopped for Birthday smokes! Trippy Gorilla [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
these buds were really dense and there was some nice bits of purple on the tops of these buds.
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Little Girl - Trippy Gorilla [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]
This is one of the plants that got an early harvest - Little Girl - Although she got nicknamed little girl, it was only because she was the smallest of the bunch and not because she was actually little. She like the other Trippy gorillas produced really well and had tons of bud on her.

2nd Big Girl - Trippy Gorilla [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]
Big Girl 2 (Yeah I got lazy with the nicknames lol) - Another early top crop of this one but as you can see there was plenty more left on here for the final harvest.