Indoor Arty Grows : Trippy Gorilla by Big Head Seeds

Dr Fluff

Mighty Powerful, Cure Alls & Snake Oil Elixirs
Cultivators Club
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
yo arse
This was a grow I meant to post here on AFN last year but time constraint meant I only had time to post it on one autoflower forum.
I said to the Mongol I would post it here and the time for that is now as I have the time to do it.
It will be a condensed journal as it has previously posted and is not a current grow.
The words may have changed slightly so as to keep it a little different for the search engines.
So here goes.

Last summer (when I don't normally grow) I was growing 4 Trippy Gorillas Auto's from Big Head Seeds.
They are a cross of Gorilla glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] & BigHead [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], THC can be up to 28%.
This is not so much of a journal & more of a show and tell for AFN.
The early part of the grow wasn't journalled as life was hectic (when isn't it aug 23 to oct 13
At the point we enter this grow it was Aug 23 2018 final chop date was Oct 13 2018.

Trippy Gorilla is a Sativa dominant effect and is swift, uplifting and energizing. Relaxing, euphoric waves through the body can, smoke to much and coachlock will come calling but still leave you smiling.
Pine and citrus mix for a pleasant taste and aroma.

Grow space is 60cm x 100cm or 2' x 3' in old money.

I dwarfed them by transplanting at sex from 1 Ltr long root pots to 18 Ltr Autopots, Normally I transplant into 8.5 Ltr Autopots. I wanted to see what would happen if they were given more root space, using the same dwarfing method I would use normally in the 8.5 Ltr pots.
As it turns out smaller 8.5 ltr pots would have been better for 4 of these or 3 of them in the 18ltr pots in my cab.

The transplant at sex combined with steady temps 24 hrs a day effectively stops stretch in it's tracks.

The plants were defoliated , LST'd, HST'd some have been topped others haven't.

I'm used two SANlight S4W's @140W actual draw and that is more than plenty and I've had to raise them quite a bit as they were getting light damage (at some point I put all three on and it was more than they could take) Edit toward the end I did use all three S4W's for end of flower.

To be honest looking at their site I reckon 1 light might actually do a crop with is great for electric cost and also for being stealthy.

Start of grow 15th Jul 2018 (not previously posted on any forum)
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These pics 23 Jul 2018 (previously not posted on any forum)
TG 23718 (FILEminimizer)_Fotor.jpg
trippy gorilla 23718#2(FILEminimizer)_Fotor.jpg

These pics are from 25 Jul 2018 (previously not posted on any forum)
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These pics are from 29 Jul 2018 (previously not posted on any forum)
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These pics are from 7th Aug 2018
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SanLight S4W's ISO turn way down to show the LED colours, it is blindingly bright in real life!

These pic is from 28 Aug 2018
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These are the first pics I snapped , at the time I had mentioned them a few times but hadn't posted any pics previously.

First set of pics from Aug 29th 2018
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Ok these pics were previously posted on another forum which is also an Autoflower forum!

These pic are from Aug 29th 2018 these are showing tight internodes and a rapidly fattening trunk!
The Trippy Gorilla auto from bigHead seeds , 4 plants were in 18 Liter pots.
I decided to mix things up and with using larger pots but still dwarfing then (stopping the stretch phase) and as expected larger plants but still having very tight internodes. and a relatively even canopy.
Here is the largest Trippy Gorilla auto's tight internodes and the trunk is getting fairly thick too!
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Did you ever have one of those days??
I did on Sept 4th 2018!!!:wall::face:

I took some pics of the girls and then realised my Iso was far too high!(first pic)
Then after lowering the ISO I loaded the pics on to my pc, only find out that the white balance was way out and it looks like my girls are in caramel land! Doh!(second pic)
Here's a couple of shots for your amusement, Tomorrow I will sort out the white balance and it will all be back to normal!
The girls took a battering today as well, I defoliated them because they were far to bushy to let the light in further down.
Citrus and lemons came to mind as plucked away, so thick with leaves it was more like plucking a chicken!
A lot of the pistils took a knock or two so they will be looking further gone than they are!
So without a further a do here are some awful pics!:crying::haha::rofl:

Fist pic ISO was far too high and little did I realise the white balance was way off too!
aaaaaaagh the light it is blinding me!:rofl:Iso set far too high!
You can see the girls aint wearing as much as in some of the previous pics, I needed to defoliate them, so as to get the light down further!


Second pic, where ISO was reduced but white balance is still out of whack.
In the land of caramel delights must sort that white balance out!
The reason the camera was all out of whack is because I was taking some pics of some hash and forgot to reset the camera! DOH!:haha:
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I cannot see photo's

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Sept 9th 2018 and judging by these pics, I was still wrestling with my camera settings!
Some of the Gorillas, are more advanced than others, I was hoping they would get a move on, I would like to have some to vape come the end of the month (start of Oct 2018).
The girl in the corner is putting some effort in, I'm sure she will be the first for the chop!punkpuffin
Sorry for the not so good photography (once again :haha:), it just isn't my forte but it gives you an idea of what was going on in my cab at that time.
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OK we are cooking on gas again, now I have reposted all the pics I had copied and pasted.
In doing so i found some early pics of this grow, not previously posted, so I needed to add some of those too in the earlier posts!

Sept 15th 2018
There is some frost starting to show.
I had a heavy defoliation not may days before, this caused a lot of pistils to get bruised and they turned brown prematurely. white pistils are still popping and I'm also waiting for the calyxes to swell!
I may snip some top buds in weeks time in order to have a smoke for an event I will be traveling to!;) A friends Birthday and it was an excellent time had by all who attended.
Due to the way these have been grown, there are many buds but they are not of a big size, like you would get if they were left to form a main cola. There will be plenty to smoke though and the frost will keep getting better.

A couple of pics of the frost starting to come.





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20th Sept 2018
Chopped a few top buds of two of the plants, I have left quite a bit on , allowing for some of the lower buds to get a bit more light.
I'll take some pics tomorrow of the plants,to what they look like after put their haircut!
I hope these pictures are OK.cincin
I would have ideally chopped these tops a week or two later but this is not to far off.
Two plants haven't been touched
Roll on the end of the month when I can put this to the test and fire some up!