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I like to take photos of gardens lol but i get the feeling that not exactly what you mean ;)
:crying::funny::laughcry::photog: adp 1.png
Sorry lol thought you were working on shirts and mugs and shit.. was just wondering how that was going

Powerful, I see you are not from Brooklyn or New Jersey. You were thinking about swag. As in "Fell off the back of the truck" originally but has morphed into the generic for a steal of a deal.
Schwag is what we all smoked before we knew better.:toke:

Edit: Sorry Rebel, got the names mixed up
Powerful, I see you are not from Brooklyn or New Jersey. You were thinking about swag. As in "Fell off the back of the truck" originally but has morphed into the generic for a steal of a deal.
Schwag is what we all smoked before we knew better.:toke:

Edit: Sorry Rebel, got the names mixed up
Very observant Feenix.
There are times when all that was available was "Schwag" AKA Ditch Weed.
I love language and it never fails to interest how words can have multiple meanings which are completely unrelated.
So I thought I'd have a little look into it's origins, I hope you find it interesting too!

noun: schwag
  1. 1.
    products given away free, typically for promotional purposes.
    "I'll be showing you the best of the schwag I get my hands on each day"
  2. 2.
    cannabis, typically of a low grade.
    "even potheads couldn't smoke that schwag"

1990s: alteration of swag, perhaps after words of Yiddish origin, such as schlub, schmuck, etc.

Use over time for: schwag
Awesome Spanglish I was there too!
I only live up the road (30 miles) and went every year it was on in the 90's.
Sometimes paying and other times going over or under the fence.
There was on year they built a tunnel in to the stone circle field.
I was sitting by the standing stones and I could see the relatively small tent and people kept coming out of it in short burst of between 2 and 4 people.
I mentioned this to someone i had been sharing a smoke with (I din't know them but was just chilling and passing the time) they said shhh don't mention it!
They went on to tell me about the tunnel and that it ca up under the tent , what a cunning plan!
I was also there the year the fence came down, so I went a sat on said fallen fence and had a smoke and a channel 4 film crew wanted to interview me (not the first time a tv film crew wanted to interview me @ Glastonbury!)
I declined as is my want, I don't seek to put my face across the media, just enjoy my time doing my own thing.
Last year Glastonbury was the last to be help on the Pilton site due to the other farmer trying fleece Michale Evis for too much money as the festival had out grown michael farm and he need to rent additional land.
So next year I have no idea where it is actually being held.
I gave up going to Glastonbury Festival when the world and his wife started going due to it being televised on the BBC.
To me that totally ruined it for me!
I used to go down to our local ourprice (record store) and get a promotional poster for the festival, that was back when they need to advertise it.
As soon as all the hoorays and well to do people wanted to be seen as cool because they had been to Glastobury that's when I stopped going.
Besides they started burying the fence and having a second fence inside that and the ticket would sell out in mere minutes and had become a stupid price too.

Used to love Glastonbury and the UK festival scene in my younger years, still cant remember for the clue of me what years i attended without checking the set lists, so just give me a second to gain some memory back ( ok think i got it was 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 ) and had some of the most spiritual and enlightening times of my life, including hallucinating a fairy dancing around on top of one of those big flare candles stuck in the ground at sunrise in the stoned circle, my friends thought i jad gone insane as i would not stop going on about it saying "for fucks sakes its the flame of the candle, and if there was any faries around here the lunatics like you would scare them away any how"

Also went once to the Virgin V festival in Chelmsford but was to commercial for me and ended up getting do drunk on Scrumpy Jack cider before the tent was even setup ans ended up sleeping for over a hour fully clothed in a pool of me own piss, while my mate laughed and finished the tent construction job.

The last festival i tried to attend was the 2008 Sunrise Celebration Festival in Somerset, which after so long not enjoying the scene was a huge thing to me. Only to turn up park and get the tent setup sober this time, then to come across a group of like minded stoners who had some nice vials of blue tinted liquid acid and gave me the option of a £5 dose that would have me talking to tree and partying till a new day began, or a £10 dose that would remove me from the world of the living for a good couple of days and make me think i was super human, don't take a genius to work out what i opted for, the killer was 30 mins after dosing and returning to the tent to be met with a festival official with a paper notice the festival had been cancelled due to freak localized storms and flash flooding and the site had to be evacuated by 8.00am the next day, needless to say i was not in the right state of mind to comprehend this information and headed of to where the stages should be and spent till 6.00am dancing to sound checks and any random noises i heards, whilst searching out cans of NOS and even with the festivalitys bought to a stop, still managed to pull of one real good dead head night and still am not sure to this day if it was a hallucination or there really was a couple of girls pissing in my Wellington boots ;)
Very observant Feenix.
There are times when all that was available was "Schwag" AKA Ditch Weed.
I love language and it never fails to interest how words can have multiple meanings which are completely unrelated.
So I thought I'd have a little look into it's origins, I hope you find it interesting too!

noun: schwag
  1. 1.
    products given away free, typically for promotional purposes.
    "I'll be showing you the best of the schwag I get my hands on each day"
  2. 2.
    cannabis, typically of a low grade.
    "even potheads couldn't smoke that schwag"
View attachment 659671
1990s: alteration of swag, perhaps after words of Yiddish origin, such as schlub, schmuck, etc.

Use over time for: schwag
View attachment 659670
In Canada we use the word swag as a ( collection of my goods is my swag ) When I was just a lad there was also a Dutch tobacco called Swar Shag It would take your lung out .:rofl:
Very observant Feenix.
There are times when all that was available was "Schwag" AKA Ditch Weed.
I love language and it never fails to interest how words can have multiple meanings which are completely unrelated.
So I thought I'd have a little look into it's origins, I hope you find it interesting too!

noun: schwag
  1. 1.
    products given away free, typically for promotional purposes.
    "I'll be showing you the best of the schwag I get my hands on each day"
  2. 2.
    cannabis, typically of a low grade.
    "even potheads couldn't smoke that schwag"
View attachment 659671
1990s: alteration of swag, perhaps after words of Yiddish origin, such as schlub, schmuck, etc.

Use over time for: schwag
View attachment 659670

Wow.. I had no idea lol.. next time I'll just say merchandise lol
Very observant Feenix.
There are times when all that was available was "Schwag" AKA Ditch Weed.
I love language and it never fails to interest how words can have multiple meanings which are completely unrelated.
So I thought I'd have a little look into it's origins, I hope you find it interesting too!

noun: schwag
  1. 1.
    products given away free, typically for promotional purposes.
    "I'll be showing you the best of the schwag I get my hands on each day"
  2. 2.
    cannabis, typically of a low grade.
    "even potheads couldn't smoke that schwag"
View attachment 659671
1990s: alteration of swag, perhaps after words of Yiddish origin, such as schlub, schmuck, etc.

Use over time for: schwag
View attachment 659670

I stand corrected arty. Just don't try it in Bensonhurst, Fuggetaboutit, you'da been axin for it. It's a regional thang. Ax for swag and you end up with a new something.
For a couple years I drove a vending truck in the Newark, North Jersey area. Every morning when we left the yard, we went right to the diner where we picked up what ever swag the wise guys had that day and paid for the day before's fronted goods. When we wanted weed we could go to the same parking lot at night and get whatever schwag their dealers had. Actually we are both right because I'm going back WAY before 1990.
Very observant Feenix.
There are times when all that was available was "Schwag" AKA Ditch Weed.
I love language and it never fails to interest how words can have multiple meanings which are completely unrelated.
So I thought I'd have a little look into it's origins, I hope you find it interesting too!

noun: schwag
  1. 1.
    products given away free, typically for promotional purposes.
    "I'll be showing you the best of the schwag I get my hands on each day"
  2. 2.
    cannabis, typically of a low grade.
    "even potheads couldn't smoke that schwag"
View attachment 659671
1990s: alteration of swag, perhaps after words of Yiddish origin, such as schlub, schmuck, etc.

Use over time for: schwag
View attachment 659670

That is awesome!
Etymology and philology are fuckin* sweet.

*Feel free to substitute freakin/frackin/friggen/etc.
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