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In Canada we use the word swag as a ( collection of my goods is my swag ) When I was just a lad there was also a Dutch tobacco called Swar Shag It would take your lung out .:rofl:
I'm no stranger to the word Shag in reference to tobacco in general it referred to pipe tobacco but can also be applied to any loose tobacco'a like rolling tobacco!
The word Shag also has sexual connotations in the UK and is a word for having sex and often if it you just want a quickie!
For example : Fancy a quick shag?
It is also in referrence to quite a physical bout of the a fore mentioned act.
Here is an example from Black Adder :
Blackadder: [Arthur (A Sailor) wants Blackadder to tell him a children's story because he misses his mother] And then Squirry the Squirrel went "Ni, Ni, Ni" and they all went home for tea.
Arthur the Sailor: Thanks very much, me ol' shivering mateys! Now, how much do you charge for a good hard shag?:crying:

Black Adder pimp, Baldrick Prostitute & Arthur the Sailor customer!:rofl:
I stand corrected arty. Just don't try it in Bensonhurst, Fuggetaboutit, you'da been axin for it. It's a regional thang. Ax for swag and you end up with a new something.
For a couple years I drove a vending truck in the Newark, North Jersey area. Every morning when we left the yard, we went right to the diner where we picked up what ever swag the wise guys had that day and paid for the day before's fronted goods. When we wanted weed we could go to the same parking lot at night and get whatever schwag their dealers had. Actually we are both right because I'm going back WAY before 1990.
Awesome stuff, I'm loving all the regional references!
If you were to try and look up half the words uses in regional dialects in the UK you'd be stumped.
It is truly who rich the English language is.
I love all the variations between American English and British English.
I'm a big fan of food and used to be a chef which is partly why I take such an interest in language.
I used to wonder what the hell rootabaga and scallions were, you have to realize this was many years ago before the internet!
I'd have to research these names the best I could from books.
Of course i realize now that Rootabaga are what we English call Swedes but the Scotts call them "Neeps" short for Turnips!
Scallions are what we call spring onions and what Booker T and the MG's called "Green Onions"!
Here's some odd things to say in the SW of England where I'm from.
Teazy as ’n adder – Cornish for a little bit moody.
Belve – to shout or sing loudly in Devon.
Perdee inna? – Cornish for pretty isn’t it?
Rawnish – hungry, ravenous.
Jonnick – Nice, agreeable.
So near as the grave – tight with money.
Awmylor – Bless my soul.
Fousty Norpins - inedible snacks as in "you don't want to eat at Betsies, she has right fousty norpins!
Used to love Glastonbury and the UK festival scene in my younger years, still cant remember for the clue of me what years i attended without checking the set lists, so just give me a second to gain some memory back ( ok think i got it was 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 ) and had some of the most spiritual and enlightening times of my life, including hallucinating a fairy dancing around on top of one of those big flare candles stuck in the ground at sunrise in the stoned circle, my friends thought i jad gone insane as i would not stop going on about it saying "for fucks sakes its the flame of the candle, and if there was any faries around here the lunatics like you would scare them away any how"

Also went once to the Virgin V festival in Chelmsford but was to commercial for me and ended up getting do drunk on Scrumpy Jack cider before the tent was even setup ans ended up sleeping for over a hour fully clothed in a pool of me own piss, while my mate laughed and finished the tent construction job.

The last festival i tried to attend was the 2008 Sunrise Celebration Festival in Somerset, which after so long not enjoying the scene was a huge thing to me. Only to turn up park and get the tent setup sober this time, then to come across a group of like minded stoners who had some nice vials of blue tinted liquid acid and gave me the option of a £5 dose that would have me talking to tree and partying till a new day began, or a £10 dose that would remove me from the world of the living for a good couple of days and make me think i was super human, don't take a genius to work out what i opted for, the killer was 30 mins after dosing and returning to the tent to be met with a festival official with a paper notice the festival had been cancelled due to freak localized storms and flash flooding and the site had to be evacuated by 8.00am the next day, needless to say i was not in the right state of mind to comprehend this information and headed of to where the stages should be and spent till 6.00am dancing to sound checks and any random noises i heards, whilst searching out cans of NOS and even with the festivalitys bought to a stop, still managed to pull of one real good dead head night and still am not sure to this day if it was a hallucination or there really was a couple of girls pissing in my Wellington boots ;)

Blooming heck mate You were at the sunrise as well.
I' think I mentioned that to you in my reply about the Ozrics and Eatsatic.
Eatstatic played on the main stage!
How did you end up going to the Sunrise festival I hear you cry?
Well I wanted to do something for the Summer solstice and all my mates couldn't be arsed getting off their arse.
So I decided to go to Glastonbury Tor, there were always a load of people up there on the night of the solstice.
I had made a load of chocolate hash flapjacks so I packed them in a box, grabbed a hand drum & a 12 pack of beers and got on the bus to go to Glastonbury.
I then got talking to a girl on the bus and told her what I was up to and she said "don't do that, I' going to the Sunrise Festival, you should come!"
We got talking to some other types on the bus so I decided to pass around the hash flapjacks and we all made friends!
Well it transpired she was off to meet her mates and they had a van in which they could smuggle me in.
So I got to go to a festival for free!! Bargain!!
At some point in that night I was invited to join a jam in a tent that was being broadcast on the radio, with me drumming along.
After seeing Eatsatic I spent the rest of the night off my tits in a tent where the "Fridge Magnets" were doing and all night gig!
Properly good time and such a odd thing to happen out of the blue!
Used to love Glastonbury and the UK festival scene in my younger years, still cant remember for the clue of me what years i attended without checking the set lists, so just give me a second to gain some memory back ( ok think i got it was 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 ) and had some of the most spiritual and enlightening times of my life, including hallucinating a fairy dancing around on top of one of those big flare candles stuck in the ground at sunrise in the stoned circle, my friends thought i jad gone insane as i would not stop going on about it saying "for fucks sakes its the flame of the candle, and if there was any faries around here the lunatics like you would scare them away any how"

Also went once to the Virgin V festival in Chelmsford but was to commercial for me and ended up getting do drunk on Scrumpy Jack cider before the tent was even setup ans ended up sleeping for over a hour fully clothed in a pool of me own piss, while my mate laughed and finished the tent construction job.

The last festival i tried to attend was the 2008 Sunrise Celebration Festival in Somerset, which after so long not enjoying the scene was a huge thing to me. Only to turn up park and get the tent setup sober this time, then to come across a group of like minded stoners who had some nice vials of blue tinted liquid acid and gave me the option of a £5 dose that would have me talking to tree and partying till a new day began, or a £10 dose that would remove me from the world of the living for a good couple of days and make me think i was super human, don't take a genius to work out what i opted for, the killer was 30 mins after dosing and returning to the tent to be met with a festival official with a paper notice the festival had been cancelled due to freak localized storms and flash flooding and the site had to be evacuated by 8.00am the next day, needless to say i was not in the right state of mind to comprehend this information and headed of to where the stages should be and spent till 6.00am dancing to sound checks and any random noises i heards, whilst searching out cans of NOS and even with the festivalitys bought to a stop, still managed to pull of one real good dead head night and still am not sure to this day if it was a hallucination or there really was a couple of girls pissing in my Wellington boots ;)

Pulled up some of the Sunrise pictures from a old Facebook account of a friend, shows what the weather was like and the van you can see was actually stuck in near on a metre of churned up fresh mud, don't worry about the security risk from the pic of me in there as the years have not been kind and am almost unrecognizable from when it was taken back then (but fuck me look at those hazed over glazy eyes lol been LONG time since i reached that state)

Actually thinking about it it might have been 2006.
It was about 10 years ago and it wasn't muddy like that!
But good to see the pics.
I have to agree with what you said about the years getting fuzzy at Glastonbury.
I was always off my nut and the years kinda blend together after a while.
You're right about having to look up the line up, or chatting with mates and reminiscing!
I haven't been to a festival in years but still go to gigs here and there.
Pulled up some of the Sunrise pictures from a old Facebook account of a friend, shows what the weather was like and the van you can see was actually stuck in near on a metre of churned up fresh mud, don't worry about the security risk from the pic of me in there as the years have not been kind and am almost unrecognizable from when it was taken back then (but fuck me look at those hazed over glazy eyes lol been LONG time since i reached that state)

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All that mud reminds me of the Forest Fair held near Coleford in the forest of Dean.
I think it ran for two years and both times were a true mud fests, as was the Harvest Fair which was held somewhere near Lampeter in Wales.
Those were some soggy festivals for real!
Fun times but i'd rather avoid such wet conditions!
Little bit of a $$ break for any med users in California. Bad news for the states coffers. oops. lol
This blunder on new California marijuana law could cost state millions

California’s marijuana legalization initiative is designed to raise significant tax revenue for the state. When legal recreational marijuana sales commence on Jan. 1, 2018, the initiative applies a 15 percent excise tax on recreational and medical marijuana, as well as some taxes on marijuana producers based on the weight of each plant grown. The state’s 7.5 percent sales tax is tacked on top of that for recreational marijuana, but the ballot proposition repeals that tax for medical marijuana. The idea was to give medical marijuana users a tax break relative to recreational users once the initiative’s new taxes begin in 2018. But because the Jan. 1, 2018, target date was omitted in the relevant subsection of the 62-page initiative, the medical marijuana sales tax elimination instead became effective this week when the measure passed.
Blooming heck mate You were at the sunrise as well.
I' think I mentioned that to you in my reply about the Ozrics and Eatsatic.
Eatstatic played on the main stage!
How did you end up going to the Sunrise festival I hear you cry?
Well I wanted to do something for the Summer solstice and all my mates couldn't be arsed getting off their arse.
So I decided to go to Glastonbury Tor, there were always a load of people up there on the night of the solstice.
I had made a load of chocolate hash flapjacks so I packed them in a box, grabbed a hand drum & a 12 pack of beers and got on the bus to go to Glastonbury.
I then got talking to a girl on the bus and told her what I was up to and she said "don't do that, I' going to the Sunrise Festival, you should come!"
We got talking to some other types on the bus so I decided to pass around the hash flapjacks and we all made friends!
Well it transpired she was off to meet her mates and they had a van in which they could smuggle me in.
So I got to go to a festival for free!! Bargain!!
At some point in that night I was invited to join a jam in a tent that was being broadcast on the radio, with me drumming along.
After seeing Eatsatic I spent the rest of the night off my tits in a tent where the "Fridge Magnets" were doing and all night gig!
Properly good time and such a odd thing to happen out of the blue!

Interestingly great story as i always come to expect from you Arty my man, sounds like you made the right decision hash brownies, invite from a nice girl, Eat Static and the Ozrics all in one, i honestly cannot think of a place i would rather be ;)

As i mentioned in my post the 2008 Sunrise was a wash out and never did get the refund on the ticket, but that is the last thing i was worried about as money was not an object and was only there to overindulge in dance, drugs and loose hippie chicks, and from the very short time i had i manged to check off most of that list but i know that festival could have been so much more, will try to make it back again one day to take in the full experience but until then i have hazy memories and lost dreams.

:jump:DINAFEM INTERVIEW!!! :jump:
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