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hey RR .your name is too damned long LOL !!good god,worked my ass off today. damned watering,feeding ,taking down and re hanging lights n things WEEEEEE LOL! its time to hope for a stoning.HARD LOL! this rub is excellent. god i love this stuff LOL! frigin 5 caps, an mL of a tinc,a bowl and some rub,.. er five :D lol

it is not a good day,if you are not looking,good :D

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Glad the rub is working for you, Brother! Rumor has it there's enough weed in it to kill Willie Nelson. :crying::crying:
It will get better. After the thaw, how was the texture? Maybe some more E oil needed?
I guess my 3 Bears OG has 11 fingers too...
She's home! Doing well! She had a belated Christmas lol so today was Christmas all over again. :smoking: Very heart warming to see that! That's all she could talk about on the way home lol

So... I head back tomorrow early and hopefully she will be good monitoring her glucose... Fingers crossed

@Feenix @Eclectic Elle @budelee @Waira @Mossy @trailanimal

Thank you all for the positive vibes, karma and prayers... My family and I appreciate it more than you know!

Great news!!!
Just read Franco of greenhouse seeds strain hunter fame, died yesterday, he was 43 I think.

Apparently he contracted maleria whilst in the Congo showing locals how to make a cbd treatment (for maleria ironically).

Rip Franco, I'll be smoking a fat one.

If you've never watched strain hunters, it's worth a look.
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