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@Renaissance Redneck ... sorry, but Bono's a twat.
My mate's mum was his house-keeper.
And I got banned from Leason St. because of him back in the 90's... long story.

I hear ya.
I'm a twat too. I make mistakes, I try to be better.
Most folks would stone me for my past indiscretions, but AFN chose to judge me by the few kindneses I've managed to squeeze out.
I'll leave the final judging to the more qualified, and try to be thankful for the days I have left to try to even the scales.:cheers:

hey RR .your name is too damned long LOL !!good god,worked my ass off today. damned watering,feeding ,taking down and re hanging lights n things WEEEEEE LOL! its time to hope for a stoning.HARD LOL! this rub is excellent. god i love this stuff LOL! frigin 5 caps, an mL of a tinc,a bowl and some rub,.. er five :D lol

it is not a good day,if you are not looking,good :D

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