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They said you gotta keep your enemies closer, never know when they'll be of good use for you. You can use your enemies to get things done sometimes without them even knowing about it. ;)
It's not an "us vs them" situation , Brother. I've never had anything but positive dealings through the portal. I'm sure this will resolve itself. :pighug::peace:
Can organics indoors grow big plants? Uh huh..

AU pic2 -2-4-2016.jpg
Until the weather backs off, it's quiche and tamales. (I'm a closet quiche maker. At least in the US, it carries a stigma:rofl:).

Damn...:drool:...I could just eat that..before we discovered the wheat problem..I used to enjoy baking.

In the local supermarket they do mini quiches with 3 cheeses and use puff pastry for the base

I'd kill for some puff pastry...:headbang:..I Do miss it..hubby calls me the Naked Pie company now..managed to make egg and bacon pie by using the bacon instead of the pastry..Good substitute..but nothing like sinking your teeth into flaky pastry...nom..

No stigma as far as I'm aware for those of us this side of the Atlantic :thumbsup:

Hey..just give me a man that cooks...:headbang:...even though I Enjoy cooking it does get boring doing every flaming meal.

HAPPY NEW YEARS ya filthy animals! :smoking:

I hope everyone has an awesome new year and hope the MJ Gods bless you with a kick ass grow this year!!!

Happy New Year @Burr_nit ..:cheersmate:..

@Mossy I sent a message to Stone and he has responded . Bugs ,or bad environment genetics are great no complaints from others so it looks like I'm looking up a dead horses ass , Grow them out or trash the whole damned issue because I dont no where to start .

Damn...just not going your way at all'll just have to keep your eyes out incase anyone has the same issues with the same seed.
I haven't seen Any..but between here/AW's and Admin I don't get out treading the threads much.

Good morning and Happy New Year Stoners ! :pass:

Happy New Year @Rifleman :cheersmate:..settled back in..?

It never gets that far in my house, they last about 5 days before they're allll gone. It'd be nice if there was a bit more appreciation for how long it takes but no, the locusts come and do their damage *sigh*

I used to say..what is the point of me baking if you two just Eat all of it...:coffee:

Also Happy New Year AFN friends! I only started being active here towards the end of the year. I used another site to gather information and chat but visited here with a problem and got a quick reply with a very educated answer and been here ever sense. Thank all you guys.

@Frankthetank - my first real buddy on here don't know where he ran off to though wtf drank

Happy New Year @Troon the site you came from didn't have a [HASHTAG]#afnswearbox[/HASHTAG]


Slightly or just dehydrated or tired. Maybe a combo of all three.

That Sounds about Normal @AJrexxx :cheersmate:..Happy New Year
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