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I find them... I was going to agree and say expensive, but I think better words are prohibitive and exorbitant LOL.

Yup on the H&B....:d5:..but then I find a Lot of cannabis specific products I Wondered how they'd compare.

haven't looked, to be honest. The oil I have isn't being used particularly quickly as I keep forgetting to dose his food *cough cough*. But my fingers feel a bit stiff today so I'll probably dose myself in a bit! I can't review it yet, sadly.

Don't Worry about it..:bighug:..@Zambeza is coming on as a New Vendor early 2017..they are assembling the Test Team now..and @budelee is trying to Interest another couple of CBD Oil sellers on for [HASHTAG]#autoflowerwarriors[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#liveinterviews[/HASHTAG]

Yes I may find myself having to process a lot of bud quite quickly, depending on whether we go back or not. It'd be good to know if there was a simple way to make juice! I don't think it'd be prudent to make butter and put it in my suitcase...

When is your Decision time..?...
I got caught out once posting to bud to my Moms house in the UK..nowt happened..they just Took now I grind it..stick it in med capsules and post it in an old vitamin bottle..It has worked up to now.

hahahaha, the things we've done!, and will do, ooops

When is your Decision time..?...
I got caught out once posting to bud to my Moms house in the UK..nowt happened..they just Took now I grind it..stick it in med capsules and post it in an old vitamin bottle..It has worked up to now.
That's a useful tip!

Decision time is fairly soon, but we have until the end of March. Internet here is flaky between 18:30 every night until anything up to 21:00 so that's a minus. Love the weather. Hate upstairs neighbours. Can afford to buy a flat outright. Can't afford to buy a house without selling in the UK. If we sold in the UK we'd need to provide income somehow. I'm not sure I really see the point of selling up over there to have to work full time over here - and goodness knows what at either! So it's a huge thing to make a decision on. I've asked him to make a list of the pros and cons, I've already started mine.

BTW where's my sunset pic in the competition? I've asked over there and tagged you...
Any Amiga lovers around here?

Excellent..wevare adding to the [HASHTAG]#autowarriors[/HASHTAG] Team in Jan..:d5:..and I'm sure with you being a AW's supporter already you will get straight in.
You are doing a try out for the [HASHTAG]#cannazonetestteam[/HASHTAG] as well aren't you..?

Heya Mossy.:bighug:. How are you today. If 2016 was an indication, 2017 should clinch AFN being the worlds "To Be" place for autoflowers even more than it already is. Some of the folks here better get ready for super stardom as AFN expands into the real world. It is inevitable and has already started.
Unfortunately for me, I still live in a dark zone and must be content to maintain my Watcher status. I just hope that those who attain celebrity don't forget us little people. :rofl:
Any Amiga lovers around here?

Heya Mossy.:bighug:. How are you today. If 2016 was an indication, 2017 should clinch AFN being the worlds "To Be" place for autoflowers even more than it already is. Some of the folks here better get ready for super stardom as AFN expands into the real world. It is inevitable and has already started.
Unfortunately for me, I still live in a dark zone and must be content to maintain my Watcher status. I just hope that those who attain celebrity don't forget us little people. :rofl:
live stoners
oh yeah
or is it forgot
i forget
cheers Fennix
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