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hi Eye :pass:
3 portals day 15 (2).JPG

And while I dunno that I'd be in on a solo cup hydro, I did consider doing one for the 2L bottle comp that was going over on Potpros for a while. Had a nutty idea about cutting the top, funnel type part of the bottle off, wrapping the rest with a good black tape to re-enforce it and block light, then flip over the top part and fill it with hydroton or other media. Set the funnel part in the bottom part for a quick and dirty DWC rig. Ran out of time and decided to just go soil, but still think it could have been fun to see how it would have done that way. :smoking:

Hi Ozone. Do you think weed would work in a closed eco sphere like this: Hasn't been watered in 40 years, probably not opened at all. I'm thinking of trying a pair of photos to see if they propagate.Once climate is established it should keep going. If not the same plants, their offspring. then theirs....

Hi Ozone. Do you think weed would work in a closed eco sphere like this: Hasn't been watered in 40 years, probably not opened at all. I'm thinking of trying a pair of photos to see if they propagate.Once climate is established it should keep going. If not the same plants, their offspring. then theirs....


Not sure. My brother has started messing around with closed terrarium type plants, I'll have to check with him. My gut instinct is that cannabis has too much of a germinate -> grow -> bloom -> die type life cycle for something like this, but I really have no clue. :smoking:
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