It is a Culture shock isn't it..?..

..after the UK overload.
Of isn't Spanish Christmas yet.
One greek holiday we were kept awake by chickens..or rather rooster..then it stopped and a bloody donkey started hee hawing through the night...

..the donkey was worse.
You cannot do child care from where you are..

..blessing or a curse..
We have one single christmas card..from hubbys mother..

..and that is it.
Less to dust..
Merry Christmas
@Frogster ..
Merry Christmas
That Sounds like an Invite to me
@2Stoned2Care .

..Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
@St. Tom Merry Christmas ..lovely dogs..
All animals fed..dogs got burger and kebab meat for a treat..

..I bet they will be farting all afternoon..and we'll get nostalgic about sprouts and christmas dinners..
We got one of hubbies favourite brekkies..left over salad..

..I'd kill for a doorstep..fresh bread and bacon..with lurpack on...mmm...mmm...mmm...
But we cannot have the bread...

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Left over steak from last night..lettuce straight out of the garden..

..honey and horseradish dressing for a bit of Zing..
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It is a bugger living gluten free..