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Came across this pic on the web today and thought it's a perfect shot for pimping out the cutest pet holiday pic contest.


Should still be a few days left to get creative with those holiday pet pics over in @Mossy 's Festivus contest: would think stress would be lifted after a cannabis specialist appointment, but no.

My appointment was yesterday afternoon...damn I am not sure if I even want a legal permit, nor do I think I am going to get it. I don't understand why doctors can hand out poison like oxycotin by the bloody truckload, but yet when you go for cannabis the first thing you do when you go through the doors is have to take a piss test.(which will be clean, but it is still irritating to me)
On and off throughout my appoint I was very uncomfortable as the Doctor attempted to find holes in my story. Fucking outrage really. And truth be told I have more knowledge on medical cannabis than he does, and this is the guy that is training other cannabis specialists.

But alas the thing that will almost certainly get my license rejected is old criminal charges from 20+ years ago when I was a wild youth. He actually rolled his eyes at a couple of things I said, and I felt very belittled at times. Gawd I wish I would have known they did a criminal check before I went through all of this shit. I have likely put myself on the Governments radar for nothing. :(
I'm sorry to hear that..
Happy Solstice! Hopefully your load feels lighter after today!

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