I'm an only child too. I don't think mum's particularly happy that I'm out here 2000 miles away, but she accepts it's my life and it's something we've wanted to do for years. I might feel differently if I was by myself but I'm not and sometimes you just have to follow your heart.
Now if there was some way I could grow over here and earn money from it my life would be more interesting LOL but if we decide to stay maybe I'll have to go and get a "proper" job. Can't think what I'd like to do though... It's one of the few things that would be easier for me to do in the UK.
Now for something completely different!
Here's a competition which I'm going to run for 12 hours to give as many people a chance as I can. Top 3 answers will all get rep: 1st 100, 2nd 50 and 3rd 25. Suggest a new career/job for me! I can do online training, am willing to consider a small financial outlay for that purpose, and have 3 months to get going. All suggestions welcome, even if it seems wacky! It must be something in English that doesn't need university education. That's it. Get going!! Closing time for entries is 20:30 UK time.