Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

To see if the wick works, put water in the tray before watering and see if it empties the tray.

Sent from my comfy chair
1L trio day 27
View attachment 963804
was going to top the jammy dodgers,but as they all have a whisp on top think im to late for that.bottom manky leaves cut off.
purple nuggets 3L day 34
View attachment 963810
bottom manky leaves cut off.
double grape 3L day 55
View attachment 963805
bottom manky leaves cut off.
grapey walter 3L day 76
View attachment 963806
a tad unsteady on its feet.

Dude, what did you feed walter?? She looks like the crooked tower in Pisa with all that weight :thumbsup:
the wicks feel wet,but maybe id need 8 in a pot for it to work properly.
cheers peeps :pass:i set a brick ontop of the pot,should stop it from toppling over.was a bit of a squeeze getting it back in the cupboard today after its drink,so harvest is coming forward to wednesday.but i might not do much more than pluck a few fans off it till friday.
keep er lit.
Cheers Yeatster :pass:
Hmm yes id say about week 5.after that soil compacts and roots all over the show,last time i poked in a stick i could hear all the tears of the roots.probably best to poke a stick in when sowing.3L pots i wasnt really expecting an awkward plant,but il take whatever i get.
cheers Rollin :pass:a lil underwhelmed by the new light.cant really play with it,havnt touched it from hanging it,and only seen it working the once.every time im in the cupboard its lights off time.plants are growing so it must be working :smoking:
the bluetoof had a lot of low down fluff i spose you could call it.unlike past grows when any fluffy whispy stuff would have been lightly dusted with trichs,with the telos the shaded fluff was all sparkles.had a cheeky sample of the fluffy stuff and not half bad,waiting on a bit of a cure before weighting and a true sample.
keep er lit.
pics and update ala thursday not saturday :baked:
but yesterday was seed wetting wednesday*no it was friday,but ya know what i mean*
changing my germ method a bit,a tub you might get a curry in and a splash of water

then today thursday,paper tissue and lid on.sitting it on its end to avoid a curly or encourage a straight tap root :shrug:

later today saturday this time it goes into a pot,i dont check on my seeds i just do it even if no tap root has should see the light of day on monday :jump:
1L trio day 31
1L trio day 31.JPG

purple nuggets 3L day 38
purple nuggets 3L day 38.JPG

double grape 3L day 59
double grape 3L day 59.JPG

grapey walter 3L day 78
grapey walter 3L day 78.JPG

came out of the cupboard tuesday day 78
see it really is thursday:eyebrows:

i thought side effects was a negative,they be banning acting the eejit and shits and giggles next :cuss:
and other news just in bluetoof special 49.10g with 12.72g of whispy fluff for the edibles and extracts pile.
flat to the mat
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