Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

up a bit early day -1 trident special
day -1 trident special.JPG

MBAP day 27
mbap day 27.JPG

walter white day 55
walter white day 55.JPG


i have tested my ph every few weeks but rarely adjusted,or not in a long long time anyways.added 1/4 teaspoon of molasses this week,dropped ph down 0.1.

il give it a good go Dudeski :pass:if a job needs doin right,send in an eejit and head first.
i forgot the schedule thing
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i run out of root juice and grow,wont be getting more.nobody seems to use top max,i may drop it to when i run out.all the bottles are £10/L but the heaven is £12.50 for 250ml(0.5ml/L 2 times a week).i may drop it to when i run out.see how a grow goes without all the extras and evaluate.
my first feed is on day 10 thursday,i then change feeds each thursday so todays feed is next weeks schedule if that makes sense.1ml of calmag seems to do the trick that side of things.
i have mollasses i keep meaning to use it the last few weeks,or swap it out for the heaven.but what i must do first is mix some in water and ph it.
Just looking at your feed chart mate, tbh thinking of nicking it for my next grow and saving myself the head work lol how come you start the top max before the bloom?
cheers sanguine :pass:thanks Rambo :pass: its 90% genetics cause im a halfwit in the garden.
im not sure thats a great idea hashhead but thanks anyways :pass:
sanguine before the change to biotabs,Ribbzzy,crikey who else ? hmm are much better growers than me with biobizz schedules.
eg.i had allways thought the top max was the micro part of the 3 part series grow/bloom/top i more or less treated it as a micro nutrient and not a bloom booster.
even now i know i still do much the same as what i did before only giving a lil hike near the end.
i have read other folks schedules,but im just not very good at copying.same as why i run 19/5 just to be odd.
cheers dankstyle J :pass:my first and fav mephisto.cant wait to get it into a jar,keeping it there will be a different story.
:cheers: folks
Well even though biobizz markets topmax as a bloom booster i think i read somewhere its npk is only 0.1 - 0.01 - 0.1
So basically no phosphorus or potassium, which typical bloom boosters are full of.
I think its pretty much just humic and fulvic acids so using it the way you do is a pretty good idea archie :thumbsup:
cheers sanguine :pass:i must have a good read of the bottle.
i have Boradan :pass: tomato cages, and i thought about jabbing 4 sticks in corners at different heights to try and train from the start.but im too lazy and its maybe only 1 in 8 that needs a bit of limb breaking.
a bit more about my cupboard,it lives in an old house that has a lil box bedroom above the stairs.the cupboard is built in made of bricks,so the bottom of the cupboard is raised 2 feet.the door is on the narrow side 50x100 but the door only 42cm,i need a bit of wobble to the plants to get them out for watering.why dont i water in the cupboard ? the main electric box/meter thing is right underneath.
sorry no pic update today,remembered to use that fancy camera i bought no battery,and my fone turned itself off after 1st pic so i gave up on that.
ok then here is the pic
