Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

cheers Dudeski :pass:
seed wetting wednesday has come round again.

walter white day 23

30cm tall and wide.tucked a couple of fans,chugging along seems happy enough.
i wish i could find a bag of something i forgot about.never found weed and left plenty at ma arse over the years.plenty of sparkles in the popcorn Spanglish so should be set for a nice return.
cheers.they only tiny 3g jars and half full at best,just lil testers really.will play about with the camera a bit see if i can get close up,i could stick the lupe to the fone but that means round pictures.i just cant do round pics they look silly.
my thoughts on rosin....i have no need of a comb nevermind hair tongs.i did try it a long time ago with a clothes iron and the bottom of the frying pan.pressing buds the return is woefull,and you left with rosin chip that still has a ton of melted trichs stuck to and inside the you are left with the problem what to do with rosin chips ? cook em,id rather have something smokeable.bho/iso/eth the bud is spent so little to no trichs left and is dumped.
extraction artists...thats what the pros call themselves.they wont entertain squishing buds its a waste of their time(kief/hash),just like a pro will pour off still with loads of tane still in the product.why ? time is money.tane is cheap.less product sticking to inside of collection tube.if they did it properly they would purge more in the collection tube,dont pour off at all,vac/heat purge the bottom of the collection tube in the oven.but they wont cause they only have 1 bottom section of tube,thats needed for next run.time is money....but thats ok its themselves they putting in danger not me.the product isnt available to me,and if it was i wouldnt buy either.
sorry that went off on a tangent.
i have seen a lot of videos,and videos of folks blowing themselves up,not by accident it cause they were if you are doing a 1 can tane extraction,dont do it standing beside the case of 23 full cans you are not using.see its not rocket science,take precautions,work outside if theres any kind of breeze the concentrations of vapor will never reach a point where a spark will cause an explosion.if your not 100% confident and sure of what your doing,best thing is to play it safe and leave it to other eejits.
1st rocket of the day can make me babble a bit.
that does look mighty away stoney,no censorship here.
i stopped then started my ramble reply damnit
i wish i had the space to set up some screens il just have to stick to the bubble hash for now even doing that take up the whole place for a night :shrug:
cheers,if it grows out ways thats ok,if it grows up to have a long neck im not to fond of that.
dry sift screens are just fancy t shirt screen printing screens.varnished brazilian purple walnut or alu with rubber coating.bubblyman,john berfelo,d420k,drysiftwizard use big screens cause they have big harvests.
can get a screen printing screen A5 size(210x148.5) if ya wanna go small.
32t=180m/43t=150m/55t=105m/77t=74m/90t=64m/120t=53microns roughly.dont need the full set,2 screens is enough for wizards 10 sec sift.
keep er lit
edit forgot the update.
walter white day 25

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popped its head up late last night,but to keep my pretend ocd in check monday it is MBAP day 0
MBAP day 0.JPG

walter white day 28
walter white day 28.JPG

42cm tall 40 wide.any leaf i tucked last week sprung back out,so havnt done any this week.
forgot the waffly bit.5 more mephistos turned up today,even though i deleted the payment email (eejit) the freebie was trident.
it has been mostly mephistos thats been in me cupboard.from my very first order 0015 maybe i think it was 3 walter white i got 15 seeds enough to keep me going for a year.i then went and won a competition i didnt know i entered,along with Yeatster mephisto gave us 7 beary whites.someone must have a shakey hand cause i had 12 mbaps.mephisto make it easy for you to not look elsewhere for seeds.if they didnt do freebies i think theyd still be in me cupboard.
take 5

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cheers,think i saw some pre flowers last time i looked,will be checking in on them soon.update to follow soon.
mbap was the freebie seed so i havnt read into it at all sadly,ofther than what i saw of other folks growing it.
no probs TM ask away,and sorry i should have used the full title in first post.Man Bear Alien Pig.
man bear alien pig day 3
mbap day 3.JPG
mbap day 3b.JPG

a smidge leggy,safety ring on just incase it falls over.built up the stem with some dirt after i took the pic.
walter white day 31
walter white day31.JPG
walter day 31.JPG

50cm tall 43cm wide,ladybits on show.
a few leaves at the bottom are fairly manky,ive just been watering over top of them,will probably pull them off soon.
.5ml calmag 3ml fishmix 1ml top max 1.5ml alg a mice.
i think a lot of folk have dropped the top max.for a long time i thought it was the bottle with the micro nutes in it,more or less 1ml till the last 3 weeks then its 2ml.but apparently its a flower enhancer and you whack it up to 4ml the last couple of the root juice i may not get more when i run heaven costs a pretty penny just a once or twice a week treat.full of sugars i think...but so is molasses and thats % of the cost of heaven.