Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

Nearly there then pal, have never tried wax or oil to worried about poisoning myself or blowing up the house. Always end up cleaning my grinder once a year or so in a pint of 50/50 milk n full cream and necking it once cool, was struggling to drive to fishing 4 hours later last time lol.

Enjoy it mate hope to hear a live stoned smoke report ;)
have you tried rosin yet very easy and no explosions no chemicals just some heat :pass:
have you tried rosin yet very easy and no explosions no chemicals just some heat :pass:

Only kief, hash, flower and edibles in my 20+ years smoking, lol pretty old skool i know. The misses caught me nabbing her hair pressy things a while back on a mission to attempt some Rosin, needless to say i wont be trying that one again in while ;) But would love to try some one day, so looks like i will have to get off my tight ass sometime and buy a pair of my own, or risk trying borrowing hers again and possibly losing my manly bits :smoking:
Only kief, hash, flower and edibles in my 20+ years smoking, lol pretty old skool i know. The misses caught me nabbing her hair pressy things a while back on a mission to attempt some Rosin, needless to say i wont be trying that one again in while ;) But would love to try some one day, so looks like i will have to get off my tight ass sometime and buy a pair of my own, or risk trying borrowing hers again and possibly losing my manly bits :smoking:
its worth it mate oil in seconds just made a small bit of livers n cheese rosin
hope ya dont mind @archie gemmill if i post a pic
i wish i could find a bag of something i forgot about.never found weed and left plenty at ma arse over the years.plenty of sparkles in the popcorn Spanglish so should be set for a nice return.
cheers.they only tiny 3g jars and half full at best,just lil testers really.will play about with the camera a bit see if i can get close up,i could stick the lupe to the fone but that means round pictures.i just cant do round pics they look silly.
my thoughts on rosin....i have no need of a comb nevermind hair tongs.i did try it a long time ago with a clothes iron and the bottom of the frying pan.pressing buds the return is woefull,and you left with rosin chip that still has a ton of melted trichs stuck to and inside the you are left with the problem what to do with rosin chips ? cook em,id rather have something smokeable.bho/iso/eth the bud is spent so little to no trichs left and is dumped.
extraction artists...thats what the pros call themselves.they wont entertain squishing buds its a waste of their time(kief/hash),just like a pro will pour off still with loads of tane still in the product.why ? time is money.tane is cheap.less product sticking to inside of collection tube.if they did it properly they would purge more in the collection tube,dont pour off at all,vac/heat purge the bottom of the collection tube in the oven.but they wont cause they only have 1 bottom section of tube,thats needed for next run.time is money....but thats ok its themselves they putting in danger not me.the product isnt available to me,and if it was i wouldnt buy either.
sorry that went off on a tangent.
i have seen a lot of videos,and videos of folks blowing themselves up,not by accident it cause they were if you are doing a 1 can tane extraction,dont do it standing beside the case of 23 full cans you are not using.see its not rocket science,take precautions,work outside if theres any kind of breeze the concentrations of vapor will never reach a point where a spark will cause an explosion.if your not 100% confident and sure of what your doing,best thing is to play it safe and leave it to other eejits.
1st rocket of the day can make me babble a bit.
that does look mighty away stoney,no censorship here.
i stopped then started my ramble reply damnit
Ramble on pal was a entertaining read ;) Will be sticking to my safe, cheap n cheerful kief for the time being, get me plenty where i need to get too as i remembered with a tester on the low grade sift from my morning kiefing session, why low grade because the mesh in the shaker had moved and a little hole let some plant matter in, done another sift through and got a bit of nice pure kief but still left with a fair bit of the planty kief that got stuck up and would not sift through. Got the mesh on the shaker fixed solid now with some tape so gonna have a bash with the rest of the jar tomorrow, should end up with a lot more clean stuff next time round.

As you can tell from the ramble still buzzing good from the last bowl a couple of hours back ;)

low grade

the good stuff
i forget things and it takes me a day to remember.yesterday i forgot the word avatar,only an issue if avatar pops up and it its time for me to forget the word for,the shortcut things at the bottom of our posts.4 on mine the bottom 2 are qwiso and dry sift.i think i was agobshite when i done the dry sift,still am a gobshite but i had broke archie gemmill(megadoodles or something,dont ask) Spanglish got me fixed in the end,cheers fella:thumbsup:
even the low grade can give you a sweat behind the eyes,and had plenty of shine to it before it went in.
my scales only go to 100g so 2 parts

ive only just weighted them again so its had a couple of days use not spanking clean but.

3g of built up crud in me grinder.

its now a hard lump at room temp glass like not sticky,but will soften up with finger heat and stick like shite to a blanket.
walter white day 17
walter white day 17.JPG
walter white day 17b.JPG

keep er lit.