Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet


not much of an update :coffee::smoking::blahblah:
i did something on wednesday.but i didnt take a picture,much like a ball of shite in the snow,a seed on a bit of tissue,ya get the picture :thumbsup:
it popped its head up today...but official birthday monday :biggrin:
forgotten cookies.JPG

the chemdogging,the coteldons normally dont last this long

a manky leafy

another manky leaf

quite a few of the bottom leaves are manky:nono: N def ? ph ? cal/mag ? will i flush it ? this happens every grow :frowny:
N def hmm dont think so the rest of it is ? hmm :naughtystep: dunno havnt tested ph this grow (i been meaning to test,will do tomorrow update) but i think its fine as its almost allways ok :shrug: why is cal/mag always stuck together ? is it cal or mag ? or neither. will i flush ? hmmmm i havnt poisoned it with a super strong feed,or the pot ph aint under 5 or over 8.
i do throw water around a bit :baked:leaves resting on soil/water/pot allways go manky for im gonna do nothing :coffee::smoking:
airpots....can be a pain to water.get a big saucer.damp or moist soil retains/holds more water than dry soil.water can run through cracks and straight out the bottom of dry soil airpot.the runoff % is a bit off with airpots.water slow or water half and come back in 15 mins.
my 5 hour lights off period is 5-10pm yes 5 hours im odd didnt ya know :eyebrows: i water every day between 5-10,and my pots dry out everyday.i think sometimes my pots dry out in 18 not a morning person so thats out the window.ive just started to water twice a day at weekends:coffee2:
foam and caed stuck to the back of the door.2 picnic blankets and a sheet of mylar IMG_6427.JPG
shelf at the back thats a plant spends its first 2 weeks on,with a fan underneath on a 15 min on/off timerIMG_6429.JPG
the dirty fan :yoinks: also 15min on/off.everytime i move them or clean them the break shortly afterwards :finger: but £10 argos,must pop in soonIMG_6432.JPG inkbird in the i got it set up must put it up with fan/filter/other telos 0006 1.1 180w led
2 foot tube heater and clean :grin: fan pointing at the led are hooked upto the inkbird.IMG_6435.JPG fan pointing at the led will come on at 30c.rarely happens maybe a week in the summer.2 foot heater comes on at 17c turns off at 23c.the heater could be in use for 2- 3 months on and off.snow on the ground and its 24/7.3 winters ago i had 3 icy cold weeks,i couldnt get the cupboard above 15c and plants hardly grew at all.
back before i started growing at the homework stages (back then 250w was the smallest streetlamp old school light) i thought i want my cupboard lights fans the lot to run less than 250w...and at at the time i had no idea what to expect at my next electricity bill didnt want a shock.
keep er lit
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:cheers: FnF :pass:
my germ tech has changed...last 2 times i forgot about the glass of water,they went straight into wet its easier to forget next germ time than remember,so im sticking to it :coffee:
forgotten cookies 3L day 0
forgotten cookies day 0.JPG

a bit over there :haha: or right pointy :shrug:

it did have a 1 inch tap when i potted up saturday.tuneled sideways before popping soil comes from the internet and is stored indoors,so its dry.i dossed it in 1 L water sat,today it wernt quite dry,a bit top heavy ish :shrug: so i gave it 250ml today.

chemdogging 3L day 28
chemdogging day 28.JPG

fed the girls then tested the ph pen :paleo:
it was reading .23 calibrated and tested tap water 6.98 added a feed and it dropped to 6.33 both within range :coffee: yuckty leaves can stay where they are for now :coffee:
Forgotten Cookies might just be my favorite strain in my short time growing. Haven’t found one person that’s had anything but rave reviews on the smoke either. Ordered a bunch of Mephisto the other day but if FC suddenly shows up I’ll be ordering again that’s for sure. US store was out.

Super impressed with the Genetics they are putting out.

Forgotten Cookies might just be my favorite strain in my short time growing. Haven’t found one person that’s had anything but rave reviews on the smoke either. Ordered a bunch of Mephisto the other day but if FC suddenly shows up I’ll be ordering again that’s for sure. US store was out.

Super impressed with the Genetics they are putting out.

My FC is by far doing better then s&s, avt and orange diesel. All planted at same time. Back left
looking good Mac :thumbsup: AvT is meant to be a tall one,so if the others are keeping up or past it things is set for a good :smokeit:
:cheers: @Epicxr most relates to biobizz soil n nutes,and im shit at the defs toxins game :coffee2:
fuck best and perfect

down the middle keep er between the hedges

learn to ride a bike before attempting a burnout.

2nd time for forgotten cookies i think...if so should be in a threadmarks (beside page number)
found these on thursday

i gave all of them a thump while nobody was looking :eyebrows:

i knows the words but i was at me work :frowny:
saw this on friday
but no :coffee: it was frizzbee golf :shrug:
manky leaves update

whatever hasnt fallen off will be taken off before mondays update
