Could you explain what the numbers are for Mon-Sunday. I’m still a noob.
i got bored in work one day so got busy with pen and paper.then found myself in an office just me and a photocopier
and i ended up with 1000 of these
my pretend ocd likes seeds born on a monday
so i start them on seed wetting wednesday.............i forgot last week,i could forget tomorrow
and ive forgot 3 in a row before now so
my thoughts are the day it sticks its head out the ground is day 0
no ocd there just stoner logic
(a newborn baby is not 1 day old untill the day after,the day of birth its just a be 1 year old ya gotta wait 365 days)i like to chop on a friday...that gives me 2 free days to at least get started
my first feed is day 10 so it gets a ring round it,change feeds every 7 days after ish.
i should
every day and use notes more,but some schedules look like this at the end of the grow
what not 99p
and not 3 weeks delivery £1 in ASDA so i got 2
1 for buds 1 for me kecks
both for buds
thats enough blithering
keep er lit