Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

Oooo blue cheese! I’ll be looking forward to hearing how that dinafem blue cheese turns out. I just started a Mephisto northern cheese haze because I got my hands on a bag of blue cheese and fell in love. I was going to order some dinafem beans but it’s so hard to order from anyone other than Mephisto when they hook you up with so many freebies and they ship from within the states. I still might scoop some dinafem beans around 4/20 when the next big sales happen.
Been a minute since I've visited the cabinet. I'm psyched to see you've started a Ghost Toof. I just started 2 each, of GT and Sour Livers and forgot to label them.
That purple nuggets was outstanding! I too, would love to see, up close, dried bud, if'n it ain't a trouble.
well i am a twat:face: forgot to take a pic of the ghost toof...would have been day 8 wee green thing.
travel washing line from a well known auction site @Froot n Fuel :pass: travel drying line.JPG hang em up just at the door of the cupboard,theory smell gets sucked into the cupboard and through the scrubber,probably bollox though :rofl:
purple nuggets bud for @Ryker604_BT :pass:@Yeatster :pass:
purple nuggets bud.JPG

just as ya get into flower if two of them reek,that be the sour livers :thumbsup:
trimming is a so much hard work,i stop when im bored and thats about 25minutes :baked:

creme tasmo blue chees/blue cheese creme tasmo :shrug:
creme tasmo blue cheese day 29.JPG

jamy dodgers day 79.JPG jammy dodger came outa the cupboard last wednesday day biscuits followed on friday day 81 forgotten strawberries day 85 orange biscuits day 81.JPG and forgotten strawberries is still in the cupboard day 85.
keep er lit.
what thread is this :shrug:....the cupboard..ok.i started off in 6L pots for a long time....shit all them threadmarks,i should have made note first time out with 3L pots.attempting to squeeze an extra plant in the cupboard,but its not really working out but im using half the soil.the first time i grew a dinafem blue cheese was my 1st time with 3L pots,i allways meant to try again in a 6L pot.but ive gone and mixed it and the creme tasmo up :coffee2::haha: so one in a 3L other in a 6L :dizzy:
i really like 6L pots and my soil 4:2:1 biobizz light mix/perlight/vermiculight.for some reason i like to water every day...when i say water i mean nute feeding,none of this water/feed/water to remember or forget.if i burn the shit out of them :fire:they get a drink of water,other than that its feed everyday 1.5L max.last winter real cold the 6L was ever 2nd day feeds,so thinking use 3L winter and 6L summer when the 3L got a bit of a handfull,the 1L never again in the summer.and as its kinda happened by accident,im going to do 2 runs of 1L either side of festivus.tweek to soil mix for next 1L run.