Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

Hey Archie, what’s the size you did that jammy in? Husband took his jammy down recently, she literally smells like SWEET , excited for her to be curing! Oddly enough we’re both super stoked by her smell and her smoke is a real mellowed out,” time to just relax”.... I can imagine your tricomes are off the charts! Cheers man, always beautiful ladies in your cupboard!
what thread is this :shrug:....the cupboard..ok.i started off in 6L pots for a long time....shit all them threadmarks,i should have made note first time out with 3L pots.attempting to squeeze an extra plant in the cupboard,but its not really working out but im using half the soil.the first time i grew a dinafem blue cheese was my 1st time with 3L pots,i allways meant to try again in a 6L pot.but ive gone and mixed it and the creme tasmo up :coffee2::haha: so one in a 3L other in a 6L :dizzy:
i really like 6L pots and my soil 4:2:1 biobizz light mix/perlight/vermiculight.for some reason i like to water every day...when i say water i mean nute feeding,none of this water/feed/water to remember or forget.if i burn the shit out of them :fire:they get a drink of water,other than that its feed everyday 1.5L max.last winter real cold the 6L was ever 2nd day feeds,so thinking use 3L winter and 6L summer when the 3L got a bit of a handfull,the 1L never again in the summer.and as its kinda happened by accident,im going to do 2 runs of 1L either side of festivus.tweek to soil mix for next 1L run.
It’s funny you should mention that if you burn your plants you give them water only. I got some slight tip burn to begin with, it started as slight yellowing but now they are clawing and looking burnt further down toward the bottom. My immediate reaction was to give water only the next time. I’ll see how that goes........
As for things happening by accident, your results don’t look like accidents bro. If you want to see an
Looking real good in here Archie, enjoying your journals and your rocket making vids! Keep up the good shizz.....
thanks peeps :cheers: think it could be an optical illusion @TresLECHEzzz with the 1L's with the 75% weight loss in drying i dont think i can expect much more than 15g off each.i rarely burn the shit outa them @BWM sometimes i gave a 2 week old a 8 week old feed and it complained to me :blahblah:biobizz is quite hard to overdo growth and the top is what i look at mostly,older stuff will get old looking.i used to be real carefull not to splash leaves,but the bottoms will go manky after 3,4 weeks anyway,couple of weeks after that the next 2 oldest bottom fans will go a bit yucky,couple of weeks after that the next oldest now i just throw a feed at a plant and hope for the best,and not worry about the worst that could happen.
i shouldnt give advice im not if i burn the plant with a heavy feed it will be the newest leaves that burn...thats theory mind,so if its your older leaves then it was 2,3 weeks ago feedings that burnt them :shrug:anyone got practice or facts ? cause im while for theories
i dont hear this much now,but when i started here i kept hearing k.i.s.s. keep it simple stupid.another one was less is are they banging on about :shrug:took me a while to grasp.if nobody claims this then its mine....the less you do,the less can go wrong.
growing is like learning to ride a bike :biker:it can be a bit sketchy to start with finding your feet or balance :oops1: that lightbulb :idea:moment when you kinda realize you know what your gonna go over the handlebars a few times after that,it happens from time to time.keep it down the middle,between the hedges,and dont go under a lorry.if somethings wrong dont panic flush do nothing,seek advice not the first piece of advice cause eejits have opinions and are arseholes :rofl:
ive talked enough i hope this is my thread.....yep it is :finger::haha: ahh thats ok
what i forgot yesterday
ghost toof 3L day 9
ghost toof 3L day 9.JPG

pipe cleaner just in case but it will be grand :biggrin:
some more vijeos :coffee:
thanks peeps :cheers: think it could be an optical illusion @TresLECHEzzz with the 1L's with the 75% weight loss in drying i dont think i can expect much more than 15g off each.i rarely burn the shit outa them @BWM sometimes i gave a 2 week old a 8 week old feed and it complained to me :blahblah:biobizz is quite hard to overdo growth and the top is what i look at mostly,older stuff will get old looking.i used to be real carefull not to splash leaves,but the bottoms will go manky after 3,4 weeks anyway,couple of weeks after that the next 2 oldest bottom fans will go a bit yucky,couple of weeks after that the next oldest now i just throw a feed at a plant and hope for the best,and not worry about the worst that could happen.
i shouldnt give advice im not if i burn the plant with a heavy feed it will be the newest leaves that burn...thats theory mind,so if its your older leaves then it was 2,3 weeks ago feedings that burnt them :shrug:anyone got practice or facts ? cause im while for theories
i dont hear this much now,but when i started here i kept hearing k.i.s.s. keep it simple stupid.another one was less is are they banging on about :shrug:took me a while to grasp.if nobody claims this then its mine....the less you do,the less can go wrong.
growing is like learning to ride a bike :biker:it can be a bit sketchy to start with finding your feet or balance :oops1: that lightbulb :idea:moment when you kinda realize you know what your gonna go over the handlebars a few times after that,it happens from time to time.keep it down the middle,between the hedges,and dont go under a lorry.if somethings wrong dont panic flush do nothing,seek advice not the first piece of advice cause eejits have opinions and are arseholes :rofl:
ive talked enough i hope this is my thread.....yep it is :finger::haha: ahh thats ok
what i forgot yesterday
ghost toof 3L day 9
View attachment 989321
pipe cleaner just in case but it will be grand :biggrin:
some more vijeos :coffee:
Cheers Archie, I honestly try not to mess with anything unless I feel it’s necessary. I’m winging it all the way. Head up arsh (as Connery would say it) most of the time though. These ladies will yield something so I’m happy.
Back to your grow, this is your thread isn’t it?.......*quickly checks.......yes, yes it is. Pheewww. Do you just leave your light and let stuff grow towards it? Or are you constantly adjusting height? Either way you get some lovely buddage!!
:toke: cheers for popping in @hecno :pass:
yep i have the light almost touching the roof,no hangers just a (brain fart) them springy hook things for rope climbers:face: 142cm from the floor 122cm from the top of a 6L pot.but germing id have the top of pot 75 ish from the light sat on a shelf,then on a box at 21 ish days,then onto the does seem to be a very penetrating light,ohh matron :kiss:
:toke: cheers for popping in @hecno :pass:
yep i have the light almost touching the roof,no hangers just a (brain fart) them springy hook things for rope climbers:face: 142cm from the floor 122cm from the top of a 6L pot.but germing id have the top of pot 75 ish from the light sat on a shelf,then on a box at 21 ish days,then onto the does seem to be a very penetrating light,ohh matron :kiss:
Nothing like a bit o’ penetration to keep the ladies happy......