Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

yep @TresLECHEzzz :pass:the tops of buds went a bit purple and the leaves turned autumn in just a few days,so took that as a sign it was as good as done.but no real ambers to speak 85 so was a longin for me.
one of these may help,im useless with fones :wall:
ohh i got something in the post

im burping the grapey walter in 5 half/three quarters jars,il weight the 250/500/1000 full up jars contents sunday.just had a sample of the grapey walter the tastes and smells arnt high up my list,its the effect for me at the end of the day :biggrin::thumbsup::coffee::smoking::woohoo::yay::woody:ive had grapey walter before and it was top 5 border top 3............its top 3 now.sweet white grapes juicy no dry mouth with this one an eyball sweater,lil bit of a tickle.
on with the pics before this turns into a pavlova
im out of tea...ahh :coffee:and a new rocket :smoking:
the 1L gang day 39
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i cocked up a bit with forgetting to water them,but got away with it.
purple nuggets 3L day 46
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ribena and gooseberries half is a bit paler and a bit scuffy,no idea what it is or could be i upped the cal/mag or is it mag/cal :shrug:and the bloom a bit im sure it will live.would be sensible to test out me flashy new pen ph.
double grape 3L day 67
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a bit of upside down grapey walter
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if ya can get to the half way mark,you will like the 2nd half better :jointman:

keep er lit,keep er between the hedges,keep er clean,clean sideways,and for fucks sake no cursing yer granny be watching this


looks like grapey packed it on! and I dig your stems
just a bit of drivvel today
View attachment 969490 i can never remember how much headroom i have so drew a picture with added numbers.
the shelf that the light hangs from could be knocked out for 45cm extra.but its handy as it has the fan/filter socket extension,speed controler,timers.there is 2 plugs on the floor but il move em up next time im balls deep in the cupboard.
2 winters ago i think it was real bad cold,i thought about packing in for a month or two.but that would mean 4 months withouth a harvest :yoinks: a old house cupboard above stairs 2 outside walls.few times i been in the cupboard and it 15c. the lil 60w heater on a thermostat set at 22c (was set lower 18c but raised it to try and give it a head start on dropping temps)dont quite cut it.but its a greenhouse heater not meant for heat just to prevent freezing,only seem to be available in uk/euro :shrug: 1ft 60w 2ft 80-120w 3 and 4ft to.
i have another fan i meant to put it ontop of the shelf blowing down on the led,but the fan on the string is pointed at it does the trick,that would only make room cooler to.
im thinking ditch the 1 ft tube i have and get a 2ft tube (£20) run it longways,get rid of the lil shelf,get a wooden box with no front or back (argos £15)put the 6" fan in it,and can still set a pot ontop of it.get an inkbird with high low temps (£28) plug the 2ft tube heater and the 6" fan that i will put il up on the high shelf pointing at the led.will only use 1 plug on the extension and only 1 item will be on at a time.low set at 22c for winter high at 28 summer to keep the led cooler.
i hummed and haa'd over a light cause i didnt want to go over 180w,i dont want to have to throw in a 400w oil filled radiator.behind the mylar is 10mm polystrene doubleled up on the floor,and loads of packaging shit stuffed in the 2ft void under the floor.
up up and away archie, I love how growing inspires us to be ahead of the curve
cheers peeps :pass:I tend to start a new plant every 21 days,normally have 3 plants going at a time and be a 4th for a week or two till it gets pushed out @BWM :pass: @Growtogrow :pass:its the same space ive always used just re jigging it a bit for winter.and if my plan comes together should help in summertime to.
we do what we have to do just to get a grow on the go @Froot n Fuel nothing wrong with that :thumbsup: my cupboard is like version 6.14,6 years later im still making changes so half arsed is the way to go :coffee: i been mulling over a heat pad @Rollin_along also had a look a at flat panel ceramic heaters only 10mm thick.......but need 5cm between it and the wall :face:
cheers @YourMumsNewFella :pass:you pushing out nice plants @Archaic :thumbsup: small space or not,very impressive for a waist high grow :pass:
ya cant really disguise a bedroom grow @hairyman :pass:not that it matters if the doorbell isnt used,be the same outcome anyways.just helps me sleep a bit easier knowing everything is tucked away so to speak.and part 2.......following on from the jars measurements,i done a few calculations just like this girl did

if all my jars are full i got almost 2 llbs :yoinks: they not,but they not half empty either :jointman: so i have no need of extra grow space.i might have to take a week off to put a bit of a dent in the stash.them 24 samples jars are getting cleaned out over festivus i know that
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the piramid of product:bow:
theres like 5 or 6 messages i didnt know about,im shite at keeping up with threads,if im not quoted or atted even me own :coffee2:
my fone camera and computer have decided they dont know each used to say upload it its copied the same 592 pics from my camera 7 times and 271 5 times from me fone :face:
as what usually happens going into a cold spell or from cold to warm,my germing suffers a bit.thats my 21 dys between plants scuppered again :oops1:
this thing was germed maybe 3 weeks ago took 9 days to pop up and has done nowt for a week
sour bubbly i think
View attachment 971825 shit i forgot i have another in tissue*runs and checks*
the 1L trio
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purple nuggets 3L day 54
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thats like 2 of the manky leaves id take off just before they fall off,2 or 3 times over the life of the plant.
double grape 3L day 75
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trio of treats!
i wish i had a better memory,did i ever make a thread on laminator hash or a pure hash joint :shrug:
as i stopped using root juice,bio heaven.i test but rarely adjust ph and tds.i made up some new schedules
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a laminator dont ask :eyebrows:
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parchment and some grinder kief
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start off low heat
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shite first pass its gone round the rollers and down somewhere.both sets of feed n pinch rollers along with the heat plates came out before i found it
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needed the lid off to adjust the pressures anyway
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building up a few layers of kief
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cranked pressure and heat to max
sorry forgot i had my multi coloured light bulb on
a slither of pressed hash with a bit of a curl in it
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just keep rollin it up
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then spark it up:smoking:
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tastes a bit like a sweaty hotknife,tickles the throat,makes ya chuckle a bit:dizzy:
they got the laminator back in better nick than i found it.long and short its easier to use hair tongs than the laminator.
you are an awesome stoner!
cheers peeps :pass:heya ES :pass:good to see ya :bighug: i was thinking bout you the other day,bumped into some eejit playin a guitar in his jimjams on utube :smoking:yeah i could'nt turn ep down again or he'd think i did'nt like him,so i had to take the job :coffee2:
cheers Gtg :pass: i could complain that there is still more i need to do in the cupboard,but you tent/multi tent/in/out garden growers have a hell of a lot more work than i do,so il no whinge.i think i read somewhere that it was more effective to change up/alternate the treatments for bugs,rather than to hit them with the same thing over and over:thumbsup: what other plants/trees are there in the garden ? dankstyle J had bugs over and over,then found a tree in the corner that was the breading ground.
maybe the bugs are dieing of thirst,if they attracted to every lil puddle :shrug:
north west uk has pretty crap weather year round.goggle tells me yearly average temp 8.5-10c (49f)probably feels colder as im on the coast and not far from a stiff breeze.max was 30.8c (87f)in 1976 lowest was -17.8c(0f) ? in 2010.some years it dont snow at all.
not far from here where the eejits put the light at the bottom of light houses :crying:

and a stones throw
a village nearby had 39 days of rain on the trot this year,some of the oldies thought the world was gonna end :yoinks:
my cupboard bounces 40-65rh day/night/just watered/dry ish pots.rh dos'nt really have extreme swings here winter/summer.i think it was me just being lazy hanging up my buds and not looking at them for 3 days,just as it started to rain solid for 2 days,poor positioning of fan in corner of room.1+1+eejit=budrot....first experience with it,happy i only lost the top cola :smoking:
keep er lit.

hmm, during maturation me greenhouse normal bounce 60-98, I try not to worry, and search for resistant strains
That DG looks delicious! :thumbsup:
Happy growing:vibe:
second that emotion
cheers trail :pass::coffee:i get it pretty of the fonts i cant make out more than 4 letters :shrug:i went stealth and not so stealth with a couple of tees Archaic :pass::coffee:


:bighug:do ya think they know :shrug:
erm no just no.i got halfway down a rocket and gave up :nono:

not sure if it made the smoke taste funny,or it just lightly coated the lips.
after my cock up with the mold/budrot i maybe made another boo boo.long story short...........why did i say that ?
anyways i lil bit of a scare,well two scares really but i think the other one worked out ok :vibes::karmacloud:
not a bad scare more of a,can i stop at yours tonite il see ya in an hour kinda scare :dang: so double grape hanging up in 7 bits 2 days short of jaring.i havnt got a shed,i snipped the buds off and jarred it anyways,whacked in a hydo and it shot upto 74% within 5 mins,fired the 6 jars in a drawer then run around the house doin other shit.late last night i got to crack the lids and give things a quick stir,moist.i couldnt this morning.after work in my panic to get the jars spilled out onto screens and get a fan going,like a twat i forgot to look at the hr% :face: had a good look and no budrot so far,buds still mostly soft to the touch so not outa the woods yet :peek:
good luck n keep er lit.
cheers trail :pass::coffee:i get it pretty of the fonts i cant make out more than 4 letters :shrug:i went stealth and not so stealth with a couple of tees Archaic :pass::coffee:
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:bighug:do ya think they know :shrug:
erm no just no.i got halfway down a rocket and gave up :nono:
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not sure if it made the smoke taste funny,or it just lightly coated the lips.
after my cock up with the mold/budrot i maybe made another boo boo.long story short...........why did i say that ?
anyways i lil bit of a scare,well two scares really but i think the other one worked out ok :vibes::karmacloud:
not a bad scare more of a,can i stop at yours tonite il see ya in an hour kinda scare :dang: so double grape hanging up in 7 bits 2 days short of jaring.i havnt got a shed,i snipped the buds off and jarred it anyways,whacked in a hydo and it shot upto 74% within 5 mins,fired the 6 jars in a drawer then run around the house doin other shit.late last night i got to crack the lids and give things a quick stir,moist.i couldnt this morning.after work in my panic to get the jars spilled out onto screens and get a fan going,like a twat i forgot to look at the hr% :face: had a good look and no budrot so far,buds still mostly soft to the touch so not outa the woods yet :peek:
good luck n keep er lit.
Have you grown the those White Stompers yet? Really really good stuff mate!