Indoor Archaic fall 2018 stealth cabinet


Flushing is a myth!
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
a corncob pipe
So, I've got several of these featured on other threads but I figured I'd compile the whole grow here as well.

Here is a group picture of my stealth cabinet:


On the left are four Goldstones from the Autoflower Portal. These are hybrids with lots of yummy DNA in them that Stone says are not quite reliably autoflowering yet. My hope is to get a male and a female to Auto and breed them to refine the trait. Anything that does not Auto will go to my guerrilla grow site to fend for itself. If I do get a male and female that auto, I'll only dust a couple of branches so that I'll have a sample of the Goldstone for 'science'.


The three little ones still in @912GreenSkell instant-transplant cups are a Mephisto Blue Toof Special and two Stone Dragons. If I get a Stone Dragon male, I'll dust a bud on both the Blue Toof and the Female Stone Dragon. I'm not sure, but a 'Dragon Toof' might be a world class night time med.


The two sorry looking plants in the back are both seeded. The tiny one on the left is a BLK Critical+ that I broke the stem on as an infant. Somehow it lived, but it was badly stunted. The Critical DNA is a welcome addition to my pantry, so I just went ahead and hit it with some Almach pollen. The yellow desiccated monstrosity on the right is an Almach that also got dusted. I left a couple of nugs un pollinated, but both it and the Critical+ lived most of their lives above 35C with a lot of summertime neglect. At least they won't die virgins.

Lights are two DIY screw in LEDs and for a few more days a Growstar UFO blurple. I have an HLG 100 on the way this week so things should improve a lot. The UFO will get relegated to the male box to support breeding boys.

Medium is homemade soil mix (bagged topsoil - mostly dredged river silt), organic bagged compost, perlite, azomite, kelp meal, a little myco spores and a cup per 5 gal of diatomaceous earth. (I'm a geologist and I have no idea how to spell diatomaceous)

Nutrients this time around are the Alaska Grow-Bloom-Micro trio. Once I get the two old seeded plants chopped, I'll put the Blue Toof in a 6L air pot and the two SDs in 2 qt pots til they sex. In a perfect world, I'd like to end up with three females blooming in here, a Goldstone, a Blue Toof, and a Stone Dragon - of course in a perfect world I would not have Y chromosomes crashing the party.
The reason I don't usually journal is because the first month of a grow is like that part in a porn movie where the pool boy and delivery guy are just talking to the lonely housewife - except I can't fast forward to the good part.

This grow has gone to shit for me. I think I might have a problem with the compost I used in the soil. Maybe I'm just bad, I don't know.

Anyway, the 4 goldstones. Two of them are ok (not great) and two of them I don't anticipate surviving the weekend. The pH in the two shitty ones was low so I amended the water to try and get it up. I also think they are too wet due to the peat cups.


The stone dragons are ok, but also not great. Growing slowly, color is off. They will live, but I ain't winning no blue ribbons with them.


The mephisto Blue Toof Special is a mutant or something, it's stunted and not growing a stem, just stacking tiny leaves. I'm going to keep it for now just to see what it looks like. It also ain't nothing to brag about.


The whole sorry cabinet


I did chop a Critical+ this week that came out ok.


Welcome to the shit show kids
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Walmart was clearing out a bunch of 'organic compost' for a dollar a bag, so I bought 4-5 bags for the garden. My peppers and tomatoes did for shit too but I didn't put it together until now that I also used that compost in this grow. I'm going to dump the buckets I have left and start a new batch. Oh well, I got what I paid for, lol.
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I'm going to chuck the 2 failing goldstone and the mephisto BTS tonight. I'll continue growing out the two decent golds and the two stone dragons. Next grow will be in autopots with megacrop. Time to go over to the dark side I guess.
So this is a 17 day old plant

It's gone now, as much as it pained me to Chuck a Mephisto blue toof.

Here are all three on death row, minutes before the execution. These are all mature plants accused of failure to thrive, wasting time and resources, and making Archaic look like a noob.


The current cabinet, still no great shakes, but slightly less embarrassing.

I just dropped $150 on megacrop and a set of autopots. The next grow will be in coco. Soil is pretty damned unpredictable and I pay attention to what other growers are succeeding with

The goldstones:


The very sad Stone dragons


Honestly, I may ditch this whole grow when the autopots get here and start from scratch.
Here are all three on death row, minutes before the execution. These are all mature plants accused of failure to thrive, wasting time and resources, and making Archaic look like a noob.
This had me laughing my ass off!!!
Sorry to hear about the faulty soil