Grow Room Anyone build out a grow in an "under stair case" closet?

A cheap flat masonite door runs about 90 dollars..... Thats a pretty cool idea though.. viewing window!! Just like the three tents I have and cannot use lol :eek1: I thought about making a viewing window somehow... because im used to it with my gorilla tents... but Im also lazy. :yay:

Cheapest easiest way to add an intake filter is cut a hole slightly smaller than the filter and just tape it to the door.. although I might try something a little better than that... I am curious how the t6 can handle the static pressure... its 60% humidity in this area on average so far.. Im used to 35-50 % so it new territory for me with all the new stuff... We will see!
Sacrafice a tent to the cause and cut up a tent to make a zipper doorway to the closest,
Or but one lol
Tom what's the purpose of the 2nd door?

Liquid nail 1 x 2's up the sides and on top to make a makeshift door frame, then cut a door out of Lauan / 1/4 plywood., if that's rigid enough for what you have in mind.
blocking light and have an intake filter attached instead of just sucking air from under the door..
Make an inner door out of insulation board (shiny side in, ofc). Double thickness using glue, or washers/nuts/bolt together if needed. Duct tape the (cut) edges, flapping it over to secure. Staple furring-strips or use small nails and moulding to make an inner frame. Velcro/tape/screw whatever sized HEPA filter (larger) over a cutout (smaller) in the insulation board door. No wiring worries. Might need a small handle to remove it...a couple of small drilled holes and a piece of cord knotted at it's ends?
Make an inner door out of insulation board (shiny side in, ofc). Double thickness using glue, or washers/nuts/bolt together if needed. Duct tape the (cut) edges, flapping it over to secure. Staple furring-strips or use small nails and moulding to make an inner frame. Velcro/tape/screw whatever sized HEPA filter (larger) over a cutout (smaller) in the insulation board door. No wiring worries. Might need a small handle to remove it...a couple of small drilled holes and a piece of cord knotted at it's ends?
thats a good idea! but already bought panda film and a zipper and velcro:nono: so we'll see if that works n go from there! thx!
So I put up my panda film door with a zipper and velcro closure... Pretty ghetto by my standards..and still no intake filter mickey moused into the door yet but idgaf. /Impatience We will see how it holds up.
Soaking 3 Roc auto mix beans as we speak. Let the mf games begin!! (assuming I dont screw everything up) :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

Maybe Ill start a journal... Dunno yet. Maybe just keep it all right here?

what ill be doing in the future:
3bog x 24k
auto blues x sour bubbly
Sour livers
Strawberry nuggets
Bubba squanch
sour crack
double grape
Pinot noir
Some im forgetting
Forgotten cookioes x skyrone stomper

Raspberry punch
Purple chem
more auto mix

etc etc etc

If they get this big again, Im fucked
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No intake filter of any kind installed yet.. probably not happening till a bit later..
Humidity and temp are in the sweet spot for this stage of growth imo 74-78f and 60-62% humidity. the ac infinity 6 inch fan is holding up ok so far with the small plants and only three autocobs in use...

RE Rocs auto mix trio:
Had one seedling decapitate itself and replaced it with a 24k x 3bog and its now a week behind the other 2..
So 2 rocs auto mix @ about 3 weeks and the 24kx3bog at just about 15 days. Going smoothly. Also got some catnip and wild flowers going just for the hell of it, also my cat is a jealous strumpet thus the catnip.

Just finished 1st top dress for the 2 rocs autos consisting of:
1.5 inch layer of build-a-flower mixed with a bit of
craft blend (just a bit!)
insect frass
silica powder
high p bat guano
dolomite lime (sprinkling)

regular doses of mollases are next on the agenda

The roc girls are still pretty small imo.. we will see if they give a nice stretch or not...doesnt seem likely
The meph plant seems like it might be a bit lankier.. We shall see!