Late to the Party as usual...
GoAuto is arranging with the BOM Winners to get their ferting info tips and tricks outta them..
I certainly have noticed that a Lot of the Super growers are using the same ferts so we are going to start Listing them for you...Inspiration..

a420er is the Live Fert section High Team helper..
as well as Live Testing he will also help with the day to day running of the section..
I'm giving him a Big Yay for volunteering to help...High 5..Cheers Bro..
To get fair results all round I going to set up the Fert catagories up as
Best Value ferts..up to £50 for the full system of ferts..
Best Mid Priced ferts..between £50-£100 for the full fert system
Best High Priced ferts..anything over £100 for the full fert system.
I Think that will be the fairest method..unless anyone has any better suggestions..?