unless hydro is being used organic I prefer G H general organics line but I still like technaflora base bloom formula better but w/ some extra grow and bio-marine this will pick up the loss or buy some liquid kool-bloom powdered kool-bloom is one of my fav finishers
but I prefer the sweet beet extract finish in the smoke from technaflora a little better if your doing earlier multiple harvests and want a mellow sweeter draw
and both are fairly cost effective
Technaflora being alittle cheaper and having a higher concentration is nice but it provides no hummics which are well worth the price of mixing half GH and half tech but this is way too long mixing
but if you got some coin to drop and want all the tweeks I like psycho products maybe a k can't remember and don't have the box in front of me but it is really just silly expensive Good I will give it but I wouldn't drop the coin on it
wish G H provided a silicate for the G.O. line but hey
the thing is though it is a lot of dif things to mix for some so I understand the shudder in a lot of cases but it is simple once things get going
is alittle cheaper choice but this is one of those pennies well spent situations for this jump in quality the next leap in price so to speak I believe is not needed for most
but want to scientific grade supply it will get pricy regardless
I have been given a fair amount of companies test products over the past and recient and have a lot of old boxes of kits here are two right here

I just try not to be a commercial for products when most will do fine once the grower knows them
but a few shine amongst the rest here and there and amongst friends a clear preference can be stated at times
but I prefer the sweet beet extract finish in the smoke from technaflora a little better if your doing earlier multiple harvests and want a mellow sweeter draw
and both are fairly cost effective
Technaflora being alittle cheaper and having a higher concentration is nice but it provides no hummics which are well worth the price of mixing half GH and half tech but this is way too long mixing
but if you got some coin to drop and want all the tweeks I like psycho products maybe a k can't remember and don't have the box in front of me but it is really just silly expensive Good I will give it but I wouldn't drop the coin on it
wish G H provided a silicate for the G.O. line but hey
the thing is though it is a lot of dif things to mix for some so I understand the shudder in a lot of cases but it is simple once things get going
but want to scientific grade supply it will get pricy regardless
I have been given a fair amount of companies test products over the past and recient and have a lot of old boxes of kits here are two right here

I just try not to be a commercial for products when most will do fine once the grower knows them
but a few shine amongst the rest here and there and amongst friends a clear preference can be stated at times