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unless hydro is being used organic I prefer G H general organics line but I still like technaflora base bloom formula better but w/ some extra grow and bio-marine this will pick up the loss or buy some liquid kool-bloom powdered kool-bloom is one of my fav finishers
but I prefer the sweet beet extract finish in the smoke from technaflora a little better if your doing earlier multiple harvests and want a mellow sweeter draw
and both are fairly cost effective
Technaflora being alittle cheaper and having a higher concentration is nice but it provides no hummics which are well worth the price of mixing half GH and half tech but this is way too long mixing
but if you got some coin to drop and want all the tweeks I like psycho products maybe a k can't remember and don't have the box in front of me but it is really just silly expensive Good I will give it but I wouldn't drop the coin on it
wish G H provided a silicate for the G.O. line but hey
the thing is though it is a lot of dif things to mix for some so I understand the shudder in a lot of cases but it is simple once things get going:)
FF is alittle cheaper choice but this is one of those pennies well spent situations for this jump in quality the next leap in price so to speak I believe is not needed for most
but want to scientific grade supply it will get pricy regardless

I have been given a fair amount of companies test products over the past and recient and have a lot of old boxes of kits here are two right here
nutrients 015.JPG
I just try not to be a commercial for products when most will do fine once the grower knows them
but a few shine amongst the rest here and there and amongst friends a clear preference can be stated at times:)
you have your own forums? What is it called ?

It's called jointjedraaien.nl (freely translated it should say: rolling joints dot NL)
But it's dutch-language-only. And it's not specificly about autoflowers, but growing and smoking in general. But it's a great place to hang out and to ask some locals about their coffeeshops. If you're thinking about going to the NL's, you might consider a visit to this website. Keep in mind that 100% of the Dutch population have had English classes for at least three years, so you can expect lots of response in English. They're working on a cannabis-wiki about growing for the past few years, which is turning out like the bible of growing bibles.

@auntiemossy: Seems like a great idea! Doesn't it? Or at least, for us it worked out great. There's even a lottery every month, every user can get one or more tickets and by that obtain a chance to win some awesome seeds. I can give you some sidenotes about the methods if you'd like some. Send me a PM if you'd like to hear more.
are you associated with Joint doctor?
They're working on a cannabis-wiki about growing for the past few years,
which is turning out like the bible of growing bibles.

Wow..I saw something like that on a Plant growing site..everyone contributed their grow instructions etc..Brilliant..

@auntiemossy: Seems like a great idea! Doesn't it? Or at least, for us it
worked out great

It IS....:thumbs:..interaction with the Vendors..being able to talk to a LIVE person who knows what they are on about..even if they will just pop in once a week and say Hi is so helpful for members

I can give you some sidenotes about the methods if you'd like some. Send me a

PM if you'd like to hear more.

That would be appreciated thank you...:clap:

We have just started our first donated ferts test out..so it could help us avoid some pitfalls.

I just try not to be a commercial for products when most will do fine once
grower knows them
but a few shine amongst the rest here and there
amongst friends a clear preference can be stated at times:)

We just want to get to a stage where noobs and Me..can come in See a Recommendation and Know that they are Value for Money Skunky Smurf ..:thumbs:.

Some of them cost a Fortune..:yoinks:..but you don't mind paying if you know you get a return on it.

The AN regime I got cost 80 euros..which the hubby was reluctant to pay..but even after only about 3 weeks I would say I have covered the cost in the increased bud density/weight..:D
An has a great line hands down
think an burns look into psycho ( I keep throwing them under the bus but they want family members as collateral :)
Atami has great products also
AN pushes for greatness but they want to sell their cal/mag even though they say they try to make a formula that it isn't needed???well they are a business I understand:)
Brair Rabbit(ahhh brand name,hehehe but it has a fairly strong nutrient content in it's molasses)w a little/epsoms is a better investment :)

At the prices nutrients are if I spill some on the floor I yell at the girls to soak it up:)
I am very fortunate in some aspects and get a lot of good deals here and there
They are only expensive and the value they place because our return is weighed against the value of what we grow,... smokable platinum and diamonds:)
if ganja wasn't soooooooo insane in price for everything across the board it wouldn't encourage companies to gouge so harshly...imo or maybe it is the other way the reason ganja is so expensive is because of the nutrient companies:Pand only their fault
But a mj targeted product will always have a "cost effective" reason to their product even if it increases little compared another brand:)
a lot of catch 22's like most of life
But it is a double edge sword you have to be able to rec something
And just rec basic elements to mix together is toooo laborsome and simply impossible for others they have to have as close to plug and play as can be for the dollar

The biggest problem though is the INSANE price on organics and enhancements:)
from a shipping to shelving the standpoint it is required for a company to charge more for most organics because they tend to be less potent by volume and weight so concentration costs or as it would be lack of concentration costs:)

AN is a great
honestly the beneficials and buffering and solubility and less residues are all worth the cost just reducing a few weeks a year from all together grows to increase yearly crop potentials but most will still benefit from mid level priced products and many are gearing towards better products so costs are coming down for good product
having used all the above they will work great and all yield fine smoke GO is alittle squidy smelling(just a little dif than fishy but similar)
but cost wise I pick that GH and some powdered Kool-bloom for less than 50 usd (not sooo bad on the pocket )and together it will run through about 50 medium/larger auto's and will make it through
w/ a little left over
As a farmer if most nutrients used for mj were used for food it would cost more for the nutrients than the fuel and tractor to spread it around the field:)
@cres: I'm not related to any breeders. I breed my own strains and work like a lone wolf when it comes to growing.
@Skunky Smurf: that's odd right? If you consider the material is about 100% the same. I for one, never bought any cannabis nutes since the nutrients for fruits are roughly the same and cost about 1/6th.
iam in

ok iam in my first time gowing with soil using foxfarm liquid karma and sea kelp they are on week 3 or 4. running 150 watts hps...... here is pics they are 2 kandy kush one royal queen cheese, and two autos the marker faded on the vail so don't know which auto I have.


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dboss check out Mossy's Fert Testing Template sticky above and start a new thread here with your grow, good luck with your testing.
