Indoor Anthro's Perpetual Science Experiment, Veganic, Multi, LED+CFL, Journal + Trials.

Pollen balls! Don't know if anyone remembers (or cares lol) but I had taken a couple cuttings, like a month ago or more maybe haha, from the first Red Poison and Bubblegum. There were two goals: to practice my horrible luck rooting cuttings, and to reverse one or both for some female pollen :) They're still alive and well! In fact their mother plants are long since harvested and now curing.

Well, I tried again making Colloidal Silver, and don't think I got it right... Again lol. All it seemed to do is kill leaves and stain the seedling chamber. So, I got some Tiresias Mist and been spraying the cuttings for over two weeks now... Good grief! I was thinking it wasn't working, until finally a couple days ago I started seeing some weird pods growing right out of where there were female flowers, and it's gotta be pollen banana sacs :) FINALLLLY damn. Haha :)

Ok they kinda like like hell in the pics but believe me they are halfway healthy :p actually all that leaf damage is from the CS.
Red Poison on the Left and Bubblegum auto on the Right.

Red Poison, it's a little slower but it is making sacs.

Bubblegum took lots of damn damage lol, but still kicking and is making lots of sacs.

Ok so now what? Haha well, the original idea was to make more Red Poison and Bubblegum seeds respectively with their mothers, but alas those plants are chopped. So, I'll have to see what looks mature enough when the pollen is ready. Actually I have no idea when the pollen sacs will be "harvestable" as this is a new area for Anthro. I'll follow my gut feelings as usual, almost always does me right :)

As for potential pollen receivers, I dunno, in my mind Red Poison and Afghan Kush Ryder could be an amazing cross, maybe call it Red Kush or something like that. As for the Bubblegum, I still don't know if the mother is a bubblegum flavor phenotype, as its' bud is still early in curing. If the pollen is ready soon enough, I'll pollinate my other Bubblegum and make more BBG seeds. But, since I'm not sure if the pollen is going to be gene dominant for bubblegum flavor, and the yield sucked mega balls, I don't feel comfortable throwing the pollen on anything else. I'm not for polluting the gene pool just to have a few more seeds. But, Red Kush would be an awesome test :P the Red mother was gorgeous and yielded fine, and we all know AKR makes great medicine.

So there's that side science project in the Anthropolis laboratory hehe!
Ok, since Tiresias Mist is so darn overpriced and I have shiza luck with making CS, I got the two main ingredients for STS, Silver Thiosulfate? Pray that Anthro doesn't blow up the labo... (BOOM!!)
Mephisto sprouts yay! That's one Tyrone and one Sour Crack :) Now yet again, that seed that's fizzled out there is yet another Herbies FAIL. That's 3/5 fails from Herbies, wtf is going on over there? That's like $50 + shipping wasted. My Seedsman success is about 100% except for a couple screw ups on my part by experimenting with germination directly in peat (which is my mistake bc pure peat pH is too far off).

The Mephistos there are from Seedsman, obviously going just fine as predicted, same methods and everything else I always do now. The fizzled bean was a Heavyweight Fast n Vast :/ oh well, just more room in the tent for something else :)

I'm just not sure how I can comfortably continue using Herbies (Pick n Mix) with these germ rates. Maybe their other main site keeps things in the breeder's packs, which should be better.
Anyways, I'm not bent out of shape over it :) I have a happy plant lineup and some more fun things in the works anyways :)

In other news, the tent ladies and everything else is going great. Full update coming soon.
Tent pics update :)
Grapefruit Punch #1 is finishing up nicely, about 1/2 to 2/3 through her leaves now. It could come down anytime now really but I'm waiting for some more pistils to turn. Trichomes are perfect cloudy with a few ambers in the sugar leaves.
About the same with the Pink Lady #1, 2/3 through her leaves, trichomes cloudy, awaiting a bunch of pistils to turn. As the leaves are clearing out, it's revealing quite a bit of bud on her. I think it's going to be me record yielder. Interesting for a freebie plant I didn't really care much about haha :)
HSO Blue Dream auto is doing just fantastic, you can start to see the weird structure I keep mentioning now in the pics. Not bad or good, just weird... Like some branches are going crazy, and there's something odd about the leaves, can't quite put my finger on it, but not in a bad way.
Afghan Kush Ryder is also doing wonderfully, it's very very leafy. If I were a fan of defoilation, this one could use a few leaves plucked.
Stunted Red Poison is doing fine, noticing a few purples already, think I got another cool color phenotype :) Not bad for having spent a month stuck as seedling.
The also once-stunted, stuck as a seedling for a month, Bubblegum (#2) has got a few sad leaves... It's like the plant is aging according to its actual age, but the buds are way behind because it was stuck for so long... Idk. Whatever it does, it does. I had written it off back when it was stuck, so it's a bonus plant hehe :) pH and foods are fine, it's just a little unhappy. It also really seems to hate the cold. Oh well :)
Got a couple Mephisto seedlings that just shed their shells and unfurled their leaves today :) Few more days in the seedling chamber and into pots in the tent they go.

All things mostly happy and healthy! Going great!
The Mephistos have open their first leaves and started heading for the sky :) Happy to be part of the overflowing Mephisto grows popping up around the forum! I'll just be updating them here for now and then do a full recap/review in their subforum when it's done, like how I did with the Red Poison. Peeks:
Cute! Loving these General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter plugs, they really work great. I want to try Root Riots too, it's basically the same thing but shaped different. Anyway so probably one more day in the seedling chamber and into the final pots. But they're moving fast so if I see tap root out the bottom today, then they meet soil today.

Got a programmable heater for the tent, set at 60 F, only comes on as needed if it drops under 60 F. Tried it last night and worked awesome, the low temp was 59 F in there! No more freezing plants when lights go out yay lol. That's all for now.
Yea mephisto got sum nice genetics I got one going right now about 4 weeks in
Tyrone and Sour Crack threw taproots out the plugs already wowie, so into the final pots they went tonight :) Check out my cool labels too! Pics and ammendment details:
Hey Eyes on Fire my soil bin has had a nice layer of mycorrhizae fuzz all over the top and even buried lately! Woohoo! That's a good sign of important soil life by the way, if anyone is wondering :)
Meet the ammendment wagon of a ghetto mad scientist hah
(broken picture lol)
And that's not even all of it lol! That's: azomite, kelp meal, cottonseed meal, ewc, lime, epsom salt, and myco.
Here's the straight up minerals:
There we have: gypsum, zinc, boron, lignite, iron chelate, seaweed fertilizer, and two mycorrhizae sources: the Great White powder and the Mike O' Rizey granular. Yeah it's going outside the strictest "organic" definitions a bit, but it is all naturally sourced and pure. Maybe I'm starting a new thing: Mineroganic hahaa!
Remember how I was saying that if adding zinc, just do a fingernail size amount? Seriously this is how much to add, mix 'er into the soil real well! Btw this really is not necessary, I'm just a walking science experiment lol. But hey, I'll never have a zinc deficiency. :p
Now for the new babies!
These labels I'm so proud of only take a couple minutes using the online tool on Avery, but make a world of difference to me :) There's the Tyrone Special!
Sour Crack newborn baby :) they already love their new homes!
...and into the tent!
The Sour Crack got one of my modified LST-ready pots, because from the grows I've seen, they can get nicely branchy and leggy, so the option is open to LST some branches later if I see fit. :)
That's that for now.
I'm actually much more excited for these than the Blue Dream and AKR already going haha!

In other news, I tested the Bubblegum and Pink Lady which are early in curing. Well as for the Bubblegum,

Hahaaa seriously, it was weak and almost gross tasting. Extremely disappointing considering it's from the high grade TH Seeds breeder. The only salvation is that I could tell a considerable CBD level, compared to street/dispensaries herbs. It's early yeah, and this is going to need to cure for a long long lonnnnng time before it's acceptable. They say the photoperiod version is better, I sure would hope so lol.
As for the Pink Lady, delicious and quite strong, even this early in cure. Spicy and citrus on the inhale, pure and strong of sweet pink grapefruit on the exhale. Strong enough lil girl too, I'd estimate ~15%. Damn good smoke for a freebie house brand. Glad to have another one almost ready to harvest! :)
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Sweet, Anthro! I get the feeling that Unimpressed Squirrel will be pleasantly surprised by the Mephisto gear. :)

You have a lotta irons in the fire! & Nice Labels!
Oh Trapper my friend, just you wait and see what else I have up my sleeves ;)
"hold on to your butts" lmao, debuting on Veterans Day, two days.
