Old Reviews Amending pro mix

I would like to try Sunshine but no one in my area sells it. Even getting Pro Mix was hard till I found the nursery supply house I'm now using and that's a 40 mile drive. Yes, growing in straight Pro Mix takes a bit of trial and error to get the pH right. That's why I've been doing all the experiments, to try and get that worked out. Extra peat will help to lower it, just remember to also add additional perlite. Also any type of organic amendment, composted manure, castings, guano, will also help lower it. The best results I've ever gotten were when I amended Pro Mix with worm castings.

Once I get my RO water setup I want to go back to running straight Pro Mix with the AN pH Perfect. That's what Jackal was doing that produced those 6-9 oz. monsters.
Cool, that's what I was thinking too, more perlite and some peat and that should bring that overall Ph down. I'll try that here when I can and let you know. I have the shroom compost that would drop it, but by the time it could handle that, I have my nutes in there keeping it down. Thanks for the input, Mr. Waters. :D
This is the same conundrum i'm having now (well almost) on my thread in my sig about making a basic mix to use with nutes...